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harassment in a professional setting


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Yes, people, it is alive and kickin'. As much as I thought I could handle my abuser / at the time boss - turns out I am not that strong, after all.


Weirdest thing is, at the core, he is not a bad person, he is simply... suffering from a horrible mental illness that made him make a fixation on me. I ended up reporting him when it became unbearable and after 3 horrid months, I was moved to a new department only to be fired soon after. Of course, I am taking the company to court - hired lawyers and stuff.


I thought I had handled the situation pretty well - inside, I mean. 6 months passed since I last saw him and I am starting the recruitment processes and all that. It's just that I've started having horrid dreams and my previous boss is in them. I am sometimes running, other times I dream I am being held and performed surgery on my knees against my wishes and then I see the cuts of the knife on my legs and I know the doctor followed my boss's orders - and I see him at a distance, acting all composed and fake. I feel powerless... a victim all over again.


In real life, the fact that I am taking the company to court is immensely helpful to my self esteem. I am fighting back, I am being told I was done wrong, not protected and fully exposed to what obviously was a man in full OCD episode.


I used to have a lot of anger against him. I've worked a lot on acceptance - mindful meditation on acceptance - and it brought me peace, to a certain level. I am a bit far away from forgiveness and most importantly, I see it is taking a toll on my application process. I'm a bit... freezing. What if the next authority figure will also abuse his power and use it on the subordonates?


So I have these ruminating thoughts about potential abuse happening again and occasional dreams that pop up... last night - insomnia and anxiety. I did stop running for the last 2 weeks - I intend to pick up back again, today.


any tips and tricks to cope with the past abuse - or maybe books?

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Do not do the self help thing. Get a professional therapist. Doing so will also help your lawyer prove damages. If you try to DIY with books the court / jury will have a harder time believing that you suffered emotionally.

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the lawsuit is on the side. This has nothing to do with the lawsuit. The lawsuit is my personal vendetta on a company who wronged me and is about to pay some big money...


The only thing I care about is me. Thing is, I am seeing a therapist, but not one specialized in abuse. I am not sure there are a lot of those around my part of the world. I'm not interested in self help books per se, but in books written by specialists / psychiatrists describing the effect of abuse on the victims and also the typical treatment - or suggestion of treatment.


My nightmares are not unbearable, but I do want them to stop, as they are haunting me. I'm also getting the stupid insomnia... like a bit of a downspell. I think I need to be careful to not slip into a little depressive episode.


Anyways, I was wondering how people who did suffer from abuse - namely stalking and harassment - manage to find their way out of the big black hole. I'm not in it... but I do find myself contemplating it, more times than I'd like to admit.


cheers, d !

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Which ever is your priority I commend you for sticking up for yourself but if one action -- working with a good therapist -- can address both issues, your healing and your damages, isn't that better than something that can only do one of those things?

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that's a good point, d. Basically you're suggesting me I try someone who's more specialized in more traumatic events - a therapist or such... makes sense, actually. I know it sounds stupid, I'm a bit scared of change. Meaning there must be something to it, to trigger that. Ok, I'll talk to my regular therapist, maybe she can recommend me someone more suitable.


thanks a lot, d !

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