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Should I get connected with him again??

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Hi I have broken off with my ex half a year ago. It was quite a messy and sad ending. We dragged on for a while but cut off when he suspected I was seeing other guy. I tried to called and explained and he just hang up the phone.


It has been half a year since then and his birthday is coming soon. I still miss him, cry over him, care for him and miss those sweet memories we had together.


I still can't get over him and start a new relationships, thinking that he'll come back one day.


However, there are so many fishes in the ocean and I am afraid he's in a new relationships now. Should I send a nice beautiful birthday card in order to get connected with him again or shouldn't I? Any suggestion out there?

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Some may say it depends on who did the breaking up. I think it would be ok. Don't expect much and just do it for him to know your still thinking about him. If thats what you want.


I say its ok for a small card... no long personal message and no gift. Its a sneaky way to "test the waters". But you have to be prepared for him being with someone else or not wanting to hear from you.


Good luck!

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I'd say yes. Not because I think it'll necessarily get you guys back together. It might, but then again you might just end up breaking up in another 6 months time. Or he might simply not respond, leaving you wondering if the card got lost in the post, a new girlfriend hid it from him, or the envelope was the wrong colour.


I say send him that card because you are clearly itching to do so in an effort to get back in touch, and nothing anyone here says is going to stop that itch. I don't think there will necessarily be a good outcome - particularly as it sounds as if the end of the relationship was an unpleasant and drawn out process that he might not wish to repeat. Are you sure YOU'D want to go through it again? Every time you go back to an ex, you risk going right back to the beginning of that dreadful break-up process, and it gets harder to recover from each time.


Anyway, there might not even be an outcome at all....but you're going to send that card with or without this forum's blessing, I'm sure.


Good luck, and I hope you get the :love: response you hope for.

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