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I thought we were over, is he making me jealous?

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Sorry, I am new here. Really looking for advice so please excuse me if I am not meeting required protocol.



I have been FWB with a fella for 2 years, seeing him once a month or so. We both see other people and for the most part keep quiet about it...until recently.

My FWB has displayed some jealousy about me dating other men from time to time but I don't know if it's an act or not. Recently he and I have been talking more and I was asking to spend more time with him, he said he would try. We were making plans to meet one evening and he brought up the other woman saying she calls him every f**king night. That was my first red flag. Over the week or so there was little comments here and there about her and I found out she knows nothing about me or him dating other women. Another Red Flag. Even though he said he till doesn't want a relationship, he wouldn't call what they have a relationship. It didn't sit well with me so after a few more days I confronted him on it, told him I felt he wasn't being honest and was playing me for a fool . His response was that he's not lying about anything but if that's how I feel "let's not see each other until I figure my future out". I agreed promptly and said no more. The following day I text " Is this it?". He respond that I don't believe anything he says and that I think he's lying about whatever, he's not just going to dump the other woman, what else do I want to hear other than he's going to set me free, I deserve better than what he can offer.



I respond that I have NEVER asked him to dump her, his actions didn't match his words and there was more going on then he's willing to admit. Left it at that.



Friday, he sends me a text saying he's going out of town for the weekend and "She" will be going with him so I shouldn't call or text him but he will call me when he gets back to talk about things.



Weekend passes and I figure, you know what I am not going to sit here and leave things unclear so I message him" I got your message, i'm confused why you would send it". His answer is that she was with him in the truck for the weekend.



I reply "SO! I needed to know you were going away with her"? He says "So you wouldn't call or text while she was with me..duh"



My last message to him was "LOL. Since when do I message you on weekends, plus you told me you didn't want to see me anymore".



Sorry for the long winded message but I wanted to make it as clear as I could. Now I realize I am being strung along, he wants his cake and to eat it too but why lie about this? We date others, its been about sex. I don't push him for a relationship or question him.



Has he decided to throw "her" name around to make me jealous? Is this to push me way? Is he doing it because I told him I feel he's not being honest with me? Thank you in advance for any advice or insight you might have.

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Well I think you already know what is going on. I think he is indeed jealous and I think he might indeed have true feelings for you. Since as you said there is NO reason for him to be texting you about what he is doing with other females.


So I think you need to sit down and think about how you feel about this guy, and if you want to try to make stop seeing other men if he stops seeing other women..if you have feelings for him of course. If you just see him as a sex buddy then my advice is stop having sex with him. He is trying to make you jealous which means he has feelings for you and If you don't feel the same then continuing to sleep with him will only end up hurting him in the end.

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I guess my question is why has he resulted in trying to make me jealous? Is he trying to make me jealous or is he just being a jacka$$.



I thought he ended things, why send me a message like that? If he's backpedaling he could have just messaged me when he returned from weekend and said he's had second thoughts. He didn't have to say anything about her. At this time he can't be honest with me about changing his mind or has he?

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I guess my question is why has he resulted in trying to make me jealous? Is he trying to make me jealous or is he just being a jacka$$.



I thought he ended things, why send me a message like that? If he's backpedaling he could have just messaged me when he returned from weekend and said he's had second thoughts. He didn't have to say anything about her. At this time he can't be honest with me about changing his mind or has he?


He just wants to make sure that you know how much of a stud he is.

He sounds like a jackass to me. I bet he's a reasonably good looking fella too, & he's probably quite selfish in the sack.

My question is why do you care? If you're only after a FWB, block his number and find a better one!!

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