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Hi, I have this problem well not really a problem but the other day I was at the bar and I ran into this guy that I met about a year ago.He had a girlfriend at the time and I was dating someone at the time so we really didnt talk much or anything utill I seen him at the bar.We were talking and totally giving each other the eye, I felt a total connection between us both.But I couldnt stay to long because I was with other friends and had to leave, we exchanged numbers.And the next morning I realised that I lost my purse, I looked everywhere for it and I couldnt find it, he called me later on that day to tell me that he grabbed it for me and if I wanted he could bring it out to my house for me and of course I said yes.Anyway he came nothing was missing from my purse!we talked for a little bit and as he was leaving he told me to give him a call when I felt like doing something.But now I fell like its all riding on me, and I want him to be the one to call, but if he doesnt call in the next couple days should I phone him?How long should I wait?I reaaly like this guy and dont want to blow it!

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You like him, he seems interested. CALL HIM. He left the door open for you to call when you want to do something because he wants to know if you are interested in him. The only way you will blow it is if you don't call. The purse thing was a way to see you. He could have easily turned it over to the Bar Manager, Bartender, etc. to call you to tell you that you left it behind. This was an opportunity to see YOU!!!!

Hi, I have this problem well not really a problem but the other day I was at the bar and I ran into this guy that I met about a year ago.He had a girlfriend at the time and I was dating someone at the time so we really didnt talk much or anything utill I seen him at the bar.We were talking and totally giving each other the eye, I felt a total connection between us both.But I couldnt stay to long because I was with other friends and had to leave, we exchanged numbers.And the next morning I realised that I lost my purse, I looked everywhere for it and I couldnt find it, he called me later on that day to tell me that he grabbed it for me and if I wanted he could bring it out to my house for me and of course I said yes.Anyway he came nothing was missing from my purse!we talked for a little bit and as he was leaving he told me to give him a call when I felt like doing something.But now I fell like its all riding on me, and I want him to be the one to call, but if he doesnt call in the next couple days should I phone him?How long should I wait?I reaaly like this guy and dont want to blow it!
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Austin Reed

CALL HIM! As long as the earth shall spin there is no game as convoluted and stupid as phone tag. What's he going to do? hang up?

Hi, I have this problem well not really a problem but the other day I was at the bar and I ran into this guy that I met about a year ago.He had a girlfriend at the time and I was dating someone at the time so we really didnt talk much or anything utill I seen him at the bar.We were talking and totally giving each other the eye, I felt a total connection between us both.But I couldnt stay to long because I was with other friends and had to leave, we exchanged numbers.And the next morning I realised that I lost my purse, I looked everywhere for it and I couldnt find it, he called me later on that day to tell me that he grabbed it for me and if I wanted he could bring it out to my house for me and of course I said yes.Anyway he came nothing was missing from my purse!we talked for a little bit and as he was leaving he told me to give him a call when I felt like doing something.But now I fell like its all riding on me, and I want him to be the one to call, but if he doesnt call in the next couple days should I phone him?How long should I wait?I reaaly like this guy and dont want to blow it!
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