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There could be many factors contributing to this but my guess is that it is mostly that you haven't met the RIGHT person.


Other factos that can contribute to reduced libido are: vitamin deficiency, depression, stress, busy schedule, family problems, prescription medications, other psychological factors, etc.


Get a thorough physical check up from a good physician to rule out medical reasons. If you check out OK, then do things to reduce stress and other factors.


Give things time. Your libido will return with the right life circumstances and the right person. If you have no medical problems, it wouldn't help to consult with a good psychological counsellor.

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Ms Understood

Sex is something very passionate and there is nothing wrong with not feeling like it. Maybe its a good idea to become celibvate for a while but you haven't explained if you have had a bad experience with sex.


You haven't got a major problemn here but if you are worrying about it then go and see your doctor or a counsellor. But going off sex is perfectly natural.

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