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Like a Friend

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I like this girl, she seems excited about seeing a movie tommorow but uhhhh i've known the girl for 3 years so we are friendly, but i would like this to be a relationship that takes off i just dont know what to do, i mean when should i go in for kiss or ask her out?

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if i word u then i would ask her out first because you don't know if she will accept the kiss and might get mad what u for trying this on her so just ask for out

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Yeah, trying to kiss her before you've ever communicated your intention to be more than friends would just come as a shock. But definitely ask her out. You might need to call it a date specifically though, since people who've been friends for 3 years could easily go somewhere as just friends.


Edit: Missed the part about there being a movie tomorrow. You can even slip something in for that: "So, can we call this a date, then?"

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I would think hard about what you want in the relationship. You want a romantic relationship with her but you don't know if she wants the same. If you go this route ( and I'm not saying not to ) just be prepared to accept the consequences. She might say no and it will affect your friendship. I would weigh just how much you want this and are you willing to lose the friendship. If she says no you will probably become bitter because she does not return your affection. You think you will stay friends but you wouldn't be able to. It will eat you up that she doesn't feel the same and you will be mad at her.


A lot to think about. It might be best to just find another girl unless you really think she likes you also. The fact that you have been friends for 3 years does not speak well of romance. It speaks of friendship.


I wish you luck...

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yeah i understand what your trying to say, in this case, its more school friends you know... not like buddy buddy for 3 years, more like we are friendly and courteous and sometimes enjoy a nice conversation, thanks for the good wishes :)

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