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arranged - sort of

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Me again, a buddy of mine is setting me up on a sort of date, well, hanging out this weekend with the girl, him and his gf/which is my dates friend, anyway, haven't been on a date in like 7 years, it's been a long time, i don't even know what to do anymore, and i'm still mid 20's.........


any ideas.................



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Here's a suggestion: ... have fun!!!



Me again, a buddy of mine is setting me up on a sort of date, well, hanging out this weekend with the girl, him and his gf/which is my dates friend, anyway, haven't been on a date in like 7 years, it's been a long time, i don't even know what to do anymore, and i'm still mid 20's.........


any ideas................. pops

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Relax and don't try too hard to impress her. Just keep it light and funny , try to make everyone feel comfortable around you. Don't talk too much about yourself, even if she asks. Just try to enjoy the evening without concerning yourself on "how am I doing?" and "am I scoring brownie points?". The key word here is "Fun", followed by the key word "comfortable".Write those words on your palm or the inside of your shirt sleeve so you'll remember. Leave the "Romeo" stuff for the 3rd or fourth date.

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