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finally gave up on him, now what???

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Ok, so i've tried yet again to start things up with the ex, and again it failed, typical today i'm into you tomorrow i can't get far enough away syndrome on his part. I've had my last disappointment and pretty much have decided that it'll never happen, he'll never be capable of being a proper healthy boyfriend for me. SO, now here's where i need all your advice.


I see him often, we have the same friends. And last time i saw him basically i went home with him. Since then he's emailed a couple times, called once, all totally casual with the underlying tone of "don't think just cause we slept togethr we're dating". Ok, well, i got the hint. And i'm running with it. I am trully trying to for once fend for myself and stop falling into his bed hoping for more. It ain't gonna happen. So now how do i ENSURE i wont' go home with him once he starts sweet talking me again.


Is there any proven way, aside from never going out cause i refuse to let him defeat me like that, theyr'e my friends too? I don't want to make it a big theatrical drama like "no, do Not seduce me..I will not fall prey to your boyish charm Eeeeever again, sob sob" (dripping sarcasm). I know this means at some point he'll bring some girl along once i quit sleeping with him, but honestly, it will suck, but i know for a fact he isn't gonna be a dream boyfriend to some new girl either. So has anyone successfully done this? The sexual chemistry is still there, i keep hoping it will vanish, it hasn't in 2 years, but i'm just so tired of his false starts, and false hopes, and never following through on ANYTHING he says.


So, has anyone been able to hang around an ex who they're fed up with, and not have it ruin their whole social existence?? HELP. Is there a good way to go about this. I guess the first step is actually just limiting the amount of contact i have with him at these social functions, and make sure i'm not the last one left with him at a bar...but what else? Am i kidding myself or is this possible. I trully am fed up with this guy. I'm so much better than the crumbs he gives me.

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