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Are these friends worth it


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I'm 25. I have a set of friends I've known for 3 or 4 years now. Anyways. Since January 2015, I canceled on 2 or 3 times. Two times was because I was sick the last one was because I was broke. For every time I canceled, we had to have this "meeting" about how I am being inconsiderate by cancelling and how it wasted their time.


Keep in mind two of the three times I was quite ill. I've also noticed that every 6 months or so my friends get upset with me and we have to have a talk about it and its usually about petty things (canceling, I used to suffer from depression and I had an episode on a trip we took and I never heard the end of that one let me tell you). I don't know, I am not perfect and no one is. I just feel like is it even worth it to be friends with these people because it seems like all the focus on is the negative things instead of all the other ways I was a great friend to them?

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Anybody who can't understand that you cancelled because you were sick isn't a friendship I'd put a great deal of effort into

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I agree with Donnivain, but usually if someone is going to complain it's because they feel you could have let them know earlier. So let them know as early as possible.

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Well if they're truly your friends then they'll accept you. I'm sure you didn't mean to cancel on purpose and you have the depression issue as well.

True friends would understand and what's more support you.

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