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My Ex's affair partner wants to apologize to me


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It's been 9 months since the breakup, I'm doing awesome and have moved on. I move in the same social circles as my ex and her AP, who may or may not still be involved (thanks no contact, it's nice not knowing what they've been up to). It's been rough but I've done a lot of work and have gotten to a pretty good place and have build better relationships with old and new friends.


I received a text from her AP recently, asking if I'd be willing to meet for a face-to-face so he could apologize. I'm leaning toward ignoring since I'm not really sure what good would come of any conversation, and also not interested in rehashing old hurts or getting involved in their process if it's genuine. Still, part of me is curious-why now?


Curious if any others have had this experience and, what people's perspectives are. Seems like weird behavior.

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Why give the past that chance? Are you acquainted with him in your circle? Might he not be using you to get to her or back at her if he suspects you're still in contact with her? I ask because the very same thing happened to me. He approached me, apologised and 2 years later the fool's emailing me..why? to get to my ex, whom I don't speak with anymore. Don't be part of it mate.

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What will it serve for YOU?


Don't open the wounds. You can thank him, but indicate you have no need to go back.

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I think it's best to ignore him. He acted like you were nobody during the affair - you can do the same now. He's not worth your time.

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I would pass on that. Thanks, but no thanks.


You've moved on. You're in a better place now. His apology won't change anything. So, why let this guy open old wounds?


As far as I'm concerned, no contact would apply to him too.

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