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What does this e-mail mean????

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My exgf after a month and a half of no contact comes back into my life. Telling me her rebound relationship is over and she loves me. We have sex than she backs off and sends me this e-mail. How do I handle this situation? Here is the e-mail


Hey (my name). I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed seeing you last

night and this week. I really missed you in my life. I did some thinking

before I past out and the truth is that I can see us back together and

happy one day! But the Key is one day. i do love you VERY MUCH! And I

think we are doing great in our own lives. I do not want to interrupt

both of our healing processes from the hurt we encountered from being with

eachother. This does not mean thatI never want to see you or talk. it is

quite the opposite. I just think we should really start on a basic

friendly level! I hope you understand what I am talking about and dont

take it the wrong way!

And whatever you do- know that I love you (My name) !


I'm so confused!!!! Why come back into my life, pursue me than back off and just be friends. How do I win this game????

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By refusing to allow yourself to be used as the backup plan. She wants you around to stave off the loneliness and boost her ego by being her "friend" while she is looking for Mr. Right in the meantime. Simply refuse the offer. Tell her thanks but no thanks. You are interested in a relationship now and "friends" won't cut it. Then cut her off cold. She can't use you if you don't allow yourself to be used.

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Loosely translated, it means:


"Hey (your name), I just stopped seeing my rebound and I'm kind of lonely right now. I want to make sure I'm still on your mind so that if I don't find anyone better, I can settle for you."



You win by not responding.

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Originally posted by hgk6

I'm so confused!!!! Why come back into my life, pursue me than back off and just be friends. How do I win this game????

this is an interesting but quite standard scenario HGK6. See, here new relationship blew up for whatever reason and as an ego boost to herself she decided to have a little fun with you and play with your head (and kock!)


I hope you did not respond to this email yet. If you haven't then do not under any circumstance respond to her. Instintue total and unadulterated NC and start looking for some other trim (girls).


Basically what she said in the email in a nutshell was this...."it was nice hooking up and having sex and that was fun but we're not a couple and we're not getting back togeher and it was nice that I can still f*** with your head, don't call me, I'll call u"

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Originally posted by tanbark813

Loosely translated, it means:


"Hey (your name), I just stopped seeing my rebound and I'm kind of lonely right now. I want to make sure I'm still on your mind so that if I don't find anyone better, I can settle for you."



You win by not responding.



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