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How do I give a hickey??

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I need help please! I have a girlfriend and the other day she wanted a hickey, but I didn't know how and didn't tell her that. I can't ask her or my friends because that is tooo embarassing. Please e-amil me and help fast!

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Worldly One



First of all DON'T. Hickey's can cause non-reversable


capilary bleeding and bruising.


Should you really want to give one , give it in an area where only you and the person you gave it to knows where it is. this is called sexual responsibility.


The open exhibit of hickeys tends to mark the woman as a slut and says she is easy.





I need help please! I have a girlfriend and the other day she wanted a hickey, but I didn't know how and didn't tell her that. I can't ask her or my friends because that is tooo embarassing. Please e-amil me and help fast!
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Austin Reed

One word. Suck. All you need to do is just start kissing her neck and then just suck a little. A LITTLE mind you. If you do it wrong you can leave a mark that will last for months. You will know if you did it right if you leave a little red mark. If you are especially nervous and want to get it just right try it on your fore arm. But don't practice it like this too much. One bruise on your arm is nothing, looking like you arm wrestled an octopus is another. :)


p.s. when you do it don't do it too high on the neck. If she should want to cover it for some reason she will need the collor of her shirt to reach it. Use your best judgement.

I need help please! I have a girlfriend and the other day she wanted a hickey, but I didn't know how and didn't tell her that. I can't ask her or my friends because that is tooo embarassing. Please e-amil me and help fast!
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