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Meeting up with him in a couple days!


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Hi! I need advice on how to make the meeting with my ex as productive and positive as possible.


I broke NC today when I realized that in order to fully move on I need to collect my belongings from his apartment. It is a lot of stuff (boxes - I used to live with him a few months ago).


Of course, there is still hope in me that we might get back together one day, but that is bothering me, because when I don't think about a reconciliation, I don't feel this anxiety. But when I imagine meeting with him and him being just friendly (with no feelings for me), it breaks my heart all over again.


He used to say that he loved me, and never said that he stopped loving me, but I pushed him away, and now it might be the point of no return (due to all the hurt that we caused each other).


He said he's happy to hear from me (after about a week of NC), and that he want to know how my life's been. I know that none of you can be sure of what it means exactly, or how he feels. But what would your advice be?



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I think the most productive thing both for your healing process AND for the slight chance that he one day will have regrets about his decision is to get a friend of yours to pick up those boxes instead.


I guess this wasn't the reply you were looking for, but I don't think any good can come of that meeting I'm afraid. I don't know your backstory, but I guess he dumped you?

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There's really nothing you can do unfortunately. We can't give you any advice that will make him take you back. I know that's not what you want to hear. If you want to make the meeting as productive as possible, I would say don't go. By seeing him face to face and making the first move, you have already decreased his interest. So yeah, basically disappearing actually gives you the best chance for him to reconsider.

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But when I imagine meeting with him and him being just friendly (with no feelings for me), it breaks my heart all over again.


Honestly, this is probably what will happen. What he said means nothing at all. It only means that he probably doesn't harbor bad feelings for you.

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