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advice after hooking up with coworker?

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i recently hooked up with a coworker twice in a week. we've been working together for 2yrs and people have suspected there was something between us all along, but it wasn't the case. This is the first time I've hooked up with someone at work and I would like to continue it (if only to makeout with him a couple more times).


I wanted some advice from you men about how to handle this situation. How could a girl respond to make you feel comfortable doing this again? What are some do's and don'ts?





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Don't tell people about it if it must continue. Keep it between yourselves.

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People are going to think what they want. Let them and don't let it bother you.

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If its just a couple of hook ups, I'd avoid it: people will talk and your reputation will suffer.


If its dating you're after, then who cares what they say (unless you work together)

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