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how can i talk to this girl

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how can i tak to this girl that i stop talking to Post: 1 | Quote:


Hi , I'm 16 years old. I have a problem with this girl at school. the problem starts like this i met her when i was in 10th grade in my health class. i was new in the class about a couple of days in to the new school year i was transfured to her class. I sat behind her sit and she came she came in to the class she sat down and was surprised that i was there, she ask me a question about the classwork and later on she tolled me that she was a freak and asked if i wanted her nuber i was nervous because i had never had a attractive girl approach me or flirt with me i was nervous and shaking my leg abit and she had notice that i was nervous as she spoke to me and even pointed it out for me and she gave a friendly laugh about it. the next class the teacher moved me to another sit far away from her. that same day we had to turn in class work as i approached the teachers desk she did too , to turn in the work was i stapled my work and passed the stalper to her and Accidentally scratched her nail and she toll me that i did and i had Apologized about so as i return to my desk i felt bad about what had happen and felt that she won't talk to me again so i was like i f-@k it up with her and thought that she won't want to talk to me again so then i was moved to another class period and did see her any more,


later on the year i would pass by her and not say any thing because i felt she was mad at me . she would not say hi to me so i would pass by her in the hallway wit out saying hi , later on the year i started to noticed that she would give me these looks and i figure that she was mad at me for not saying hi so i wented on with not saying any thing now a year later im feeling bad, maybe i should say something and not be an @$$hole but by then i though it was to late to go back so now when i see her i feels bad that i don't say hi to her. but now i wanted talk to her but i feel that she won't respond to me so now that its towards the end of my junior year i wanted to talk to her i talked to my friend and he thinks that im a p-ssy 4 not saying hi to her and when i walk by her i get nervous so its hard for me to say hi. I feel like a jerk and a coward most of the time for not saying hi and if i talk to her i fear that she will ask me why have i stopped talking to her for a long time , I'm afriad that she will laugh at me because of the whole stapler incident and tell her friend about it and laugh at me


Also it's toard the end of the school year here in florida about sixs day left and i want to make a move


please help me

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I have felt the same way about girls. The only thing you can do is at least say Hi. If she is still mad at you for the stapler situation then thats her problem. If you feel so bad about not saying hi, then just say Hi. Maybe you will feel better. Now i understand you are nervous. But you are just saying hi, not having a long conversation. Worst she can do is not say hi back. But im sure she will say hi back. Next time you see her just walk by her smile and say hi. Im sure she wont look at you funny. if she does then again thats her problem. Get some courage to at least say hi. I have felt the same way before so you aren't the only one. Everyone gets nervous in front of girls, especially good looking girls. The reason why men get nervous in front of girls is that they don't want to make themselves look like and idiot so they figure that if they don't say anything that there is no way they can look like an idiot. But from experience, acting shy isn't something girls really like. Everyone enjoys talking. Good Luck!

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