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Been married 2 years now

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Hi Everyone,


Just hoping to get opinions on situation with my wife. We have been married for 2 years now and it seems to have been pretty much drama from day one. Wife lost her business just when we met and as we have struggled to get back on our feet I find im questioning how good a match we are, for instance:


She sleeps ALL the time. We both work but she often works from home and always says she is tired. I find her very lazy and honestly pretty boring, she never wants to do things. When she does I never know if we will actually go out as she changes her mind/ cancels plans.


In your face personality. she frequently clashes with friends, family and her co-workers. its got to the point where I think that soon enough, she will clash with nearly everyone she spends time with given enough time together. Alot of my friends dont like her and she seems to be constantly fighting with her family.


Im starting to realise that she is kind of a bully in a way in getting what she wants and I just dont enjoy spending that much time with her right now. i used to be so social and active before we met, now I find myself doing nothing. There is very little fun now just money worries and drama


Any advice?

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Was this an arranged marriage?


If you dated, how long did you know her before you got married? Surely you had enough time to get an inkling that she was a bully. Loepards don't change their spots.

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Was this an arranged marriage?


If you dated, how long did you know her before you got married? Surely you had enough time to get an inkling that she was a bully. Loepards don't change their spots.


No not arranged and dated for about a year, maybe a littl longer.

I guess she was always this way and I just overlooked it til now

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No not arranged and dated for about a year, maybe a littl longer.

I guess she was always this way and I just overlooked it til now


What was fun when you dated? What did/do you like about her?

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Have you spoken to her about this? That you're not doing the fun things and about taming down her attitude so as not to keep falling out with people.

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If this is a change from before has she looked into medical reasons? There are many things that can cause chronic fatigue. Is she depressed? Her doc can run blood tests to rule out other things, hormones, syndromes etc. does she eat well & exercise?

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It sounds like she could be depressed or have a medical issue, such as a thyroid problem. You should talk to her in a loving and concerned way, without blame. "I love you. I'm worried about you. I miss the way we used to be. Are you OK?"

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