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can you sum up a person pretty well after just a cup of coffee? like, the type of person?


Just wondering how accurate it is of people's intuition in assessing other people?


My guess is pretty strong. otherwise, there will be no love at first sigh kind of stories.

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can you sum up a person pretty well after just a cup of coffee? like, the type of person?


Just wondering how accurate it is of people's intuition in assessing other people?


My guess is pretty strong. otherwise, there will be no love at first sigh kind of stories.


I think I can get a good feel over coffee. I like a woman that can ADD to the conversation, rather than just sitting there waiting for me to take the lead.


But I do beleive you can gain more insight by actually doing something together. Because professionals have stated in articles that I've read, that people tend to go into "job interview mode" when meeting for coffee, sitting there questioning each other back and forth, all the while trying to not mess things up.


They say if you do something, you tend to open up more, and let your natual self flow more freely. Even something as simple as a walk in a park, going to a pet store, museum, etc. But the problem (in my experience) is that most women refuse to actually do anything until they size the guy up.

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If the person's comfortable you can probably get a general idea.


Sometimes thats the case. But there are a lot of fakers out there. That will purposely act extra nice, even when they know they plan on never talking to you again as soon as you leave.


I've had a handful of women tell me they had a great time, and would love to do it again....only to ignore any contact I made afterwards.

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I knew my wife for 18 years, only to find that I didn't know her at all.


oh, my...how do people find love or know if they really love someone? oh, man, so it's pointless for me to keep thinking about someone I don't really know? because I don't even know who that person really is?

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Different people bring out different sides of a person .. different settings bring out certain sides of a person.. it takes time to know a person (fact). Intuition and being "judgmental" can seem interchangeable. It's never a good idea to make blanket statements or an analysis of a person in one sitting.


In situations of dating.. it's mostly about attraction.

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To me, intuition is when you wake up and you think " i shouldn't go to work today.. i dunno.. i have a feeling that it's better if i stay in" You have little to no logical or perceptive information. It's just a strong inkling

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I don't think I can know a lot about a person in an hour or two. It's mostly intuition, how good of a time you had, etc. I see it as a screen out process rather than screen in.


The odd thing is I find a lot of people mention deal breakers of mine pretty quickly. I've had people tell me they were in prison, had a drinking problem, killed a person, etc. One guy even brought his mother to our coffee date!

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I've had people tell me they were in prison, had a drinking problem, killed a person, etc. One guy even brought his mother to our coffee date!


I constantly hear stories like this over and over from women. I will never understand how guys like that get women to meet in person, and a guy like me cant even get most women to reply to a simple email.


Reading people isnt all that difficult. I base a lot of it on the level of intelligent conversation. If a is in her 40's and she's using slang that the younger crowd uses, or uses the word like 15 times in a sentence its pretty obvious that shes not for me. I dont know how it is for other people, but the few women that I have met in person gave off huge red flags of incompatibility.

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