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How Does Temptation Get Beaten?!


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I was with someone for 6/7 months although we started arguing after only a couple of months. We had threatened to break up with each other a few times before she stuck to her word about a month and half ago now..I chased after her for a couple of weeks but when she got nasty (accusing me of saying I had moved on and dated new people whilst ignoring all of my pleas, flowers etc) I decided to go NC.


She had already blocked me on Whatsapp, Facebook and I deactivated my Instagram just so I could get out of that too. Only contact nowadays is email (which hasn't happened) as i dont even have her number saved.


I also look back and realise i gave a lot more to the relationship than she did and we had constant interference in the short time we were together with people from her past.


Nonetheless whilst thinking of all the negative points, the arugements, the issues we would have if we went back together i can't help but feel tempted to be with her again!?


Or is it just not having someone to share your life with in general?

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6/7/8 months is a good time to walk away from a dead end relationship. Consider yourself lucky. Interference from the past only happens if these people had the permission to interfere. It's not the people who were the problem, it was keeping that opening. I feel like 6/7/8 was not relationship enough to "re-consider".

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