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The road so far


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So far since I blocked the dumper on Facebook, I don't know what it is, but I've been feeling 100% better. I decided that enough was enough with the blocking and the unblocking, tired of him talking to me here and there in this group that we are both part of. Tired of feeling the pain, having the confidence dropped simply because someone dumped me? No. When he dumped me, it was like he didn't want anything to do with me anymore, he sounded as if he wanted me out of his life, and that is simply what he got.


No, I didn't block him to get some type of rise out of him or anything of the matter. I blocked him for myself, for my own healing and moving on. It's been a week so and there are temptations to unblock him and see what's going on with him, but I am not going to do it. I went ghost on him and I shall keep it up, my confidence since then has reached higher peaks, taking care of myself, dressing well and stuff of the matter.


The road so far is pretty damn great.


I advise that dumpees do the same and go ghost.

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So far since I blocked the dumper on Facebook, I don't know what it is, but I've been feeling 100% better. I decided that enough was enough with the blocking and the unblocking, tired of him talking to me here and there in this group that we are both part of. Tired of feeling the pain, having the confidence dropped simply because someone dumped me? No. When he dumped me, it was like he didn't want anything to do with me anymore, he sounded as if he wanted me out of his life, and that is simply what he got.


No, I didn't block him to get some type of rise out of him or anything of the matter. I blocked him for myself, for my own healing and moving on. It's been a week so and there are temptations to unblock him and see what's going on with him, but I am not going to do it. I went ghost on him and I shall keep it up, my confidence since then has reached higher peaks, taking care of myself, dressing well and stuff of the matter.


The road so far is pretty damn great.


I advise that dumpees do the same and go ghost.



Thank you for this. I am in the same boat as you and was the dumpee (now about 5 weeks in)... 9 days ago she got the last of her things and I blocked her on fb shortly afterwards. It hurts to go ghost, but I too, know its for the best. Lets stay strong and keep them blocked. Like you said, our ex's wanted it this way and now this is what they got.

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