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"i wanted to see how far i can push you"


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I've been talking to this guy. He texts A LOT. More than I would prefer at this point really. But when I'm not busy I just roll with it and talk with him. We've talked on the phone too a couple of times. We usually get on well and have a laugh, bur today he's been....different. Crazy?


He's planning to see me tomorrow after work, if its mot too hectic (lives a couple hours away) ge asked me to do something for him tomorrow that I CAN'T do. I told him why I can't. He said things like


Do you always do what you are told?

****ing hell

You can but you just wont


Then I asked why he's being so difficult. He says. "I wanted to see how far I can push you" I tekk him that's messed up and he says "chill babe"


Then later on he asks how many guys I talk to. I tell him a few, he says he speaks to "loads" bur only wanna date me and will stop talking to them when we are exclusive. Then he says he's a jealous person, doesn't like me talking to other guys and he will take his OLD profile down tonight. I tell him he doesn't have to do that! That he might not even like me in person. He says I like mind games! I tell him I will stop talking to others IF we become exclusive, which is only fair. His lovely reply is "what's fair is you listen to your man :)"


What the heck!? My head hurts. I don't know what got into him tonight.

Edited by Confusedovo
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I wouldn't meet anyone that would speak to me the way that guy spoke to you. If he's pushing your buttons before you've even met, imagine the buttons he's going to push when he gets to know you better. It'll never end.

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If you like that kind of guy, you would have responded positively instead of asking about it on this forum. So I think he is wrong for you.

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I just don't understand what he means by push me. And why he wanted to do that. Or his sudden change in attitude towards me (had been fun and lighthearted up to now) I guess I'm wondering if he's kinda joking around but you can't hear tone through text. Its. Just spun my head a bit wondering if I did something wrong. I'm curious about meeting him.....i dunno....

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Should I meet him and see how he acts in person?



When someone you've never even met is already pushing you to ignore your boundaries and constraints, not to mention, cursing at you...EXIT!!


If this is putting his best foot forward, I would hate to see what he's really like once he gets comfortable in a relationship. Why would you ever considering meeting him? He sounds like a total jerk, with zippo respect for you.

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I just don't understand what he means by push me. And why he wanted to do that. Or his sudden change in attitude towards me (had been fun and lighthearted up to now) I guess I'm wondering if he's kinda joking around but you can't hear tone through text. Its. Just spun my head a bit wondering if I did something wrong. I'm curious about meeting him.....i dunno....


My guess is he's a controlling, verbally abusive ass, and he is testing your boundaries, to see how much of his BS you will tolerate.


Abusers pick their victims very carefully, so if you are intrigued by his behavior now (before even meeting) and actually go meet him, he knows he's found someone he can control, dominate and manipulate...


It's a test of sorts, and it appears you are playing right into it beautifully.


To each his own, wish you luck...

Edited by katiegrl
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Should I meet him and see how he acts in person?


Umm.. let me put it this way.


If the dog is snarling at you from behind the gate, do you think it's a great idea to reach over and try give it a pat?


No.. No I don't think you should meat the clearly control freak guy.

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He sounds unstable. And jealous and controlling. Think about it. You haven't even met yet and he's acting like this. That's not normal. Or realistic. I think there is something to be said about abusing types knowing how to pick the right people to be abusive toward in the future. Why are you even considering seeing what he is like in person? How does this behavior make you feel? Only confused? Not completely grossed out? It's not attractive at all. It doesn't make sense in a normal dating world so that means you'd be agreeing to something that is not normal!! He sounds clingy, needy and scary to be honest. Run.

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Welcome to your future.


This is the kind of person that will always test you for weak spots and exploit them, his fall back position will be, "You let me do it", 'it' being whatever task you either were too exhausted to fend off or gave him the benefit of the doubt on.


Trust me, this will not end.

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Run away, do not meet up with him. He's a manipulator with possible psych issues. Once you put up with the crazy once, he'll turn it on habitually and before long you'll be in a constant anxious state wondering why he's doing this when all the rest of the time he seems perfectly normal.


He gets his kicks out of working you up and laying into you. Require better for youself.

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I just don't understand what he means by push me. And why he wanted to do that. Or his sudden change in attitude towards me (had been fun and lighthearted up to now) I guess I'm wondering if he's kinda joking around but you can't hear tone through text. Its. Just spun my head a bit wondering if I did something wrong. I'm curious about meeting him.....i dunno....


Do you have no standards or self-respect?


Do not meet this person. Major warning bells here. You'd be very foolish to continue this.

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Should I meet him and see how he acts in person?


Why on earth would you want to?


Is he hot?

Does what he say turn you on?


If not again, why would you meet him.

What is it about him that makes you ask permission to ignore the red flags?

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I've been talking to this guy. He texts A LOT. More than I would prefer at this point really. But when I'm not busy I just roll with it and talk with him. We've talked on the phone too a couple of times. We usually get on well and have a laugh, bur today he's been....different. Crazy?


He's planning to see me tomorrow after work, if its mot too hectic (lives a couple hours away) ge asked me to do something for him tomorrow that I CAN'T do. I told him why I can't. He said things like


Do you always do what you are told?

****ing hell

You can but you just wont


Then I asked why he's being so difficult. He says. "I wanted to see how far I can push you" I tekk him that's messed up and he says "chill babe"


Then later on he asks how many guys I talk to. I tell him a few, he says he speaks to "loads" bur only wanna date me and will stop talking to them when we are exclusive. Then he says he's a jealous person, doesn't like me talking to other guys and he will take his OLD profile down tonight. I tell him he doesn't have to do that! That he might not even like me in person. He says I like mind games! I tell him I will stop talking to others IF we become exclusive, which is only fair. His lovely reply is "what's fair is you listen to your man :)"


What the heck!? My head hurts. I don't know what got into him tonight.

he's unpredictable, demanding, cocky, giving you loads of attention, playing hot and cold, future faking you... and giving you really high thrills. I understand how that would trigger your attention - he's giving you that knot in the stomach. I bet he's doing it for fun and to a LOT of chicks. He's absolutely not interested in impressing you, you're his attention slave.


The moment he wrote "I just want to see how far I can push you", I'd be "f*ck you and good luck hunting, brother!". Self respect starts with yourself.


And he's projecting his mind games on you - be certain, he is the one instigating them. There's only ONE sure way of winning mind games: by not playing them at all. Sounds like he enjoys taking a piss out of people - is that the best you can do? What do YOU want?


chillax, delete or unmatch and press the "Next" button, girl. You can do much better than that loser.

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My prediction:


After two FULL pages of everyone saying 'don't meet him - he's controlling and unbalanced," I predict we'll see a post 3 or 4 months from now from the OP telling you all she should have listened to your warnings but didn't.

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Why on earth would you want to?


*Does what he say turn you on?*



Bingo! That is exactly why she wants to meet him....


Isn't it obvious?


And I agree with Lois G. Y'all are wasting your energy.


She is turned on, is going to meet him, and will be back here, or another forum, weeks or months from now, her self-esteem trashed, wondering what the hell is going on.


The Fifty Shades of Gray Syndrome.

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Weird. This guy sounds like a "virtual" player. Maybe he read something that you should treat girls like this and he is trying it out. It is just weird. I would move on and meet other guys.

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