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The Urge - Support


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Hey all,


Haven't posted in a while, reading plenty and been replying to a few, hopefully helping.


Outline: 6 months or so since being thrown to the kerb with not sure if I love you as much as you love me, 3 years together. Looking back it was great for the first 2 but got toxic in the last year but I loved her. Alot.


Anyhow after the chasing, begging, drunk dialing, for 4 or so months I finally put my foot down a month back. I text her wishing her a happy birthday beginning of last month (she text me for mine, I just thought it would be good manners to acknowledge hers). I've now gone a month no contact (over 4 weeks) pretty proud as longest I've gone. But the last week I've been thinking of her more and more and tonight I've hit bottom and have a huge urge to text her. Huge urge. One corner I know nothing will come from it, yet in the other corner I'm like what have I got to lose.


Oh well, just letting of steam and though best write here to take mind of it all.


Thanks All

Edited by loveiswar101
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