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He went dark ..... hmmm

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This weekend I am supposed to visit my long distance crush (and other friends). We worked together but that ended and is partially the impetus of the trip.


We didn't really setup expectations for the trip. I think he is flirting but not totally sure. I agreed to a trip. And told him I was going to stay with some friends. We confirmed one outing together for my weekend. And he said he wants to hang out more. He had some plans.


I sent him an outline of my suggestions, and told him to let me know when he was free and what else he wants to fit in.


We talked and he said he would confirm. But prefaced it with a statement around not planning ahead in terms of weekend plans. That was no big deal to me.


I texted him about something that didn't require a response late last week. And usually he would respond with something snarky. No dice.


I texted him yesterday, and he is usually super responsive to this type but he didn't get back to me. It is sort of weird.


I am wondering if he is annoyed about something. Or nervous or worried or whatever.


I could really use his support this week and I feel like he is ignoring me! Who knows what will happen this trip now. I have other stuff to do and I could do but I was really hoping we could hang out and clarify things and now I am not so sure any of my plans with him will happen.

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Sounds like he doesn't intend to make "plans" and is waiting to see if he has other options.


Is this a guy you've had sex with in the past?

No we have talked on the phone, been in meetings together, gone to lunch. The plan was to hang out one on one for the first time.


Either way, he's not prioritizing you.


Make plans without him in case he isn't responsive at all.


Yup that is what it seems like! Or not prioritizing anymore. Although I wonder if he thinks I wasn't prioritizing him.


Updated: we talked today and he filled me in. He was a little depressed (death in the family) and coming out of his funk. And is working on our plans!

Edited by Missedsignals
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