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Jealous of Husband's Dog and his PS4... >.<

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I love my husband-

we have been together almost a year now, and when we got married we ended up stoping at the animal shelter on the way home just to look...

that just looking turned into getting a very expensive puppy who was quite the handful.

I am naturally a dog lover and i have had over 8 dogs in my lifetime, but this dog... my husband loves her so much... but even with all my experience working as a professional dog trainer for a few years she still won't comply to what i want because my husband lets her get away with everything.

he plays a lot of video games and watches a lot of youtube and twitch. between that and the dog, the time allocated to spending time with me is pretty small.

the dog is always a constant issue. I'm trying to train her- and he's treating her like she's equal to me. like today for instance- I drove him to work (because he sucks at driving and i fear for his life when he does) and i had the dog with me so i could take her over to my dads so she could run around in his yard(we live in an apartment with his grandmother where we are not supposed to have a dog... more on the fire here) we had about ten minutes to talk before he had to go in so we were chatting and then he gets up about two minutes into our conversation goes out of the car and jumps in the back seat with the dog. and starts loving on her and cuddling her and being all affectionate with her when he was just holding my hand and chatting with me. i get upset because i only had five minutes to spend with him before he goes in to work for 8 hours and for some reason I'm not good enough and the dog deserves more love then me even tho he spent all morning with her while i was in bed sick. i told him why and he got all pissy saying he didn't want to cuddle all the time. but the sad part is with the dog if he could he would have her with him all the time.

he takes her into the bathroom while he takes a poo

he takes her into the bathroom while he takes a bath

when he's changing in the room he helicopters in front of her and says he thinks its funny cause she gets a weird expression on her face.

he used to let her in the bathroom with him while he peed and let her put her face between his legs and try and lick the stream.

i put a stop to some of it... but he always forgets

and its just stupid.

i don't know how to handle the situation- there are other areas that i am also trying to quell bad habits in for the baby's sake...(I'm in the 3rd trimester) like licking biting roughhousing stepping on people and not minding her personal space. i

i want to keep the dog because i know how much my husband loves her...

but at the same time...

the way things are progressing she's not gonna be ready for a baby

I've tried telling my husband this... but he always forgets even tho he has the most amazing memory of anyone i know...

i just want everyone to be happy and safe and sanitary. but my husband doesn't have and understanding that the dog is dirty. no matter how many times you clean her... she's still dirty. and this is coming from a girl raised on a farm with horses rabbits and chickens and everything else under the sun. in my book dogs come in right under chickens and cows. they are not clean creatures. especially their mouths. don't get me wrong tho- i love animals. i just wish i could prove to my husband somehow, how dangerous it can be.

my husband has agreed that if the baby and the dog don't get along, he will rehome her- but that would make him so freaking sad.

i couldn't do that to him....

does anyone have any ideas........

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