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Ex cheated on me and left me for her, is it still a rebound ?

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So I still have a lot of question about my situation ...



I know they say that it's a rebound when people get into a relationship right after another relationship, but if he was already planning to break up for someone else, it's a rebound too right ?



Since there hasn't been any time in between to heal ...

I saw the ex 2 days ago for a walk with the baby since he left me and the baby right after me giving birth, he had visitaion rights.



I acted really nonchalant, I caught him being jealous when I talked about having a second baby one day (not with him of course) and he called me by my old petname .. Does not seem like he's over me, but still he left me for that woman who has a 2yo son while he has a beautiful daughter he can not see grow up everyday because obviously he picked that woman over us.



They're also planning on moving in together ... They're been involved for 1 month !!! How can you know someone and move in with that person by then I ask you ?!



It's still the honeymoon infatuation phase !



So my question is, is this a rebound ? And especially since they're moving so fast, do you think it's gonna last ?



I do not want him back, but it breaks my heart they're being happy and moving on while I'm devastated with my 2 month old baby ...



Thanks X

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Who gives a flying fudge? You can call it whatever you like, it won't change a damn thing.


You need to not be so fixated on him, and his relationships. You need to look to you, and your future.

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Who gives a flying fudge? You can call it whatever you like, it won't change a damn thing.


You need to not be so fixated on him, and his relationships. You need to look to you, and your future.


Thanks for the very insightful answer.

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Gosh so sorry you are going through such a difficult time. On the positive side, he still wants to be a part of the child's life and is (hopefully) paying support. So at least he is taking responsibility.


As for your broken heart, I get you have many questions consuming your thoughts daily, but it's just part of the process of healing.


You have a new life now with a beautiful baby. There will be a point, when things start to feel normal again and it starts to get better as each day goes by. I agree focusing on his happiness will just make you feel worse, so surround yourself with positive loving people like your family and close friends to help you through.

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My ex, whom I dated and lived with for several years, also left for someone else. That was nearly 4 years ago. They are now married and have a baby together. So no, they're not always "rebounds."


But you know what? It doesn't matter what you call it. It's irrelevant because the result is the same. And I moved on. You need to focus your energy less on them and more on your own recovery and your child's well-being. Spending even 5 minutes wondering if it's a rebound and if theyll last is 5 minutes stolen from YOUR happiness and healing. Is he worth that? Don't give him any more power to steal more precious emotional energy.

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