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Having dreams...

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Having dreams...

I had a fairy-tale affair with this married man almost a year ago. Actually, it had been an on-going attraction for two years, then we finally met one weekend last year in Rome...


Ever since I never missed him because that last encounter had been so amazing I didn't even need to see him as the afteraffects had lasted long...


A few days ago I had a very strong erotic dream about him. I wonder what that means?

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I know nothing about dream analysis. My opinion is that dreams, by themselves, mean nothing! They are merely my minds way of entertaining itself while the rest of my body gets it's needed rest.


About the only benefit I have really gotten from my dreams is a good laugh.


It's amazing what things an idle mind can come up with, especially when you're awake!

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I think it means that if you stay involved with this married guy, bad luck and heartache awaits you, the married guy, and his family.



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