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So we finally MET!!!

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Just sharing the story with you all


I finally met my 5 months old LDR girlfriend 2 weeks back. I stayed in her country for 2 weeks. Went there all alone for the first time in a foreign country just to see her and all i can say that it was ****ING AMAZING


I was worried if we would hit off well in real life even after skyping for 100 hours but it went all good. We come from very different cultures and background and my parents don't know about her yet. I plan to drop the bomb next year onto them(fingers crossed) when she comes to meet me after 5 months.


All i can say that it was totally worth it and those were the best days of my life. We stayed together in the same hotel room and spent all the days together holding hands and it looks like we are truly in love


Now for the future she plans to come and visit my country after 5 months for 2 weeks and I will travel along with her. After that I am planning to move to her country for 3 months and will live in with her. I am sure my parents won't like that idea but I will try my level best to convince them. My business can be ran from anywhere so that's not an issue.


Only problem I am facing right now is I miss her a LOT and she also misses me and she cries while i remain sad all the time. I hate that feeling but I guess I will have to live with that :(


I would appreciate any advice from experienced members here or any do's and don'ts


Thanks again

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That's wonderful.


It is very hard to keep up LDR, to do requires commitment and understanding and patience.


Even then, both of you have lives happening all around you and it will take a lot of open communication to make sure you are both on the same page.

Sometimes things happen you can't predict.

Happy moments that you can't be there to share

And or very sad moments like the loss of a loved one. And you can't be there to comfort each other.


Unfortunately my relationship fell on hard times when my partner started to grieve and thus disconnected from me and detached. Nothing I could do, from so far away. By the time I got there it was too late, he had shut me out. And we didn't have much time to get it right again. Maybe one day...


Distance is hard, be open with each other and remember that missing someone so much just means you found someone you care enough about to miss. Love is a beautiful thing. Enjoy it and build memories with the other person. Love them despite their shortcomings and expect the same.

Best of luck

Edited by Silver_star
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Like the above poster it is all about communicating your feelings in an honest answer. Don't just try to make the other happy, do what also makes you happy.Good Luck.

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