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Arrogant people in the workplace

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Not sure if this the right section, sorry.


I'be been at my job for a little over a year, white collar,.here are a lot of arrogant people ar my workplace and I hate it. I'm sure being shy/insecure exaggerates what I "see" but compared to my other jobs that were all blue collar/retail, there is a night and day difference! The strange thing is that yes, they are nice people, they don't mis-treat me or anyone for that matter. It's just that their auras are sooo arrogant and pretensious it makes me wanna puke. The thing that bothers me the most is being shy/insecure like I said, I have a hard time interacting with them and it often gets awkward and they knda stare at me and loon at me like I'm weird. Just frustrated, don't know what to do. I make decent money and don't want to "run" to another job just because of this but a lot of times I do wanna quit.

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Michelle ma Belle

I hear ya.


Wanna know a secret? Those arrogant co-workers are really just very insecure pencil pushers ;)


One of my best friends happens to be one of those arrogant people you speak of who always feels a need to remind everyone she's better than the rest of us. What I've learned from being friends with her is that her arrogance is really just a mask. Deep down she is painfully insecure which is why she constantly feels the need to push her way around.


How we managed to become friends and stay friends is a mystery to me :)


Don't worry about having to interact with people like this. There is no point. Seeking their approval or acceptance is futile since they're all so damn busy trying to win each others, including yours believe it or not.


If anything, sit back and enjoy the fun. It can be quite entertaining to watch them out shine each other :D

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