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why do guys ask if you live alone?


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I've never asked a woman the question. I live alone myself. I guess that makes the question irrelevant in terms of getting sex because she could just come over to my place.


True. But always an interesting feeling to walk into a new girls bedroom. Not always in the mood for entertaining either.


I also think guys ask this quickly of girls they will sleep with but not really want to date. If she is super hot it isn't a deal breaker

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This is a standard question to ak....


Some still live at home, some live with roommates, some in an apartment some own a home.


There could be issues such as you living with parents or roommates ( when it comes to sex) or you still live with an ex because you own a home/share a lease.

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Very first ever convo and no date seems a bit premature to really care about that sort of stuff though lol



For me - if they don't live alone it's an auto reject...why delay it. Not living alone speaks volumes about the person...there are very few simple to answer questions that say more about the person - it alludes to priorities, interests, how well they're doing in life, effectively whether or not they're a lose with no hope...drives of other things as well.

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That's a ludicrous standard imo, vintage. In places like cali, rent is incredibly high for a studio and the only reasonable way to save is to have roommates. Also, depending on age and place in life (med school, grad school) it's pretty much the only way to live until you meet someone.

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I've noticed both offline and in OLD that guys often ask "do you live alone?" almost immediately. I mean, even after it's already been established that you're not married and don't have kids.




Why are you concerned OP, do you share with people/live with an ex or anything?

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Why are you concerned OP, do you share with people/live with an ex or anything?


I live alone in my own apartment. I don't see that's really relevant in a first-time conversation with a stranger though

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That's a ludicrous standard imo, vintage. In places like cali, rent is incredibly high for a studio and the only reasonable way to save is to have roommates. Also, depending on age and place in life (med school, grad school) it's pretty much the only way to live until you meet someone.


I use to live in Palo Alto...that philosophy worked fine. Moreover, I said it says a lot about the person, in particular in context of how well their life is put together...grad students don't have their life put together yet, so your argument effectively validates my point. I don't see why you have an issue with my answer - the OP was asking why people ask if you live alone...my answer sums it up pretty well, regardless of whether or not you like it.

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I'm sure the grad student living frugally is less put together than the construction worker with 0 savings and his own apartment and car. Your completely right. My bad for looking at someos values in life. To each their own I guess.

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I wish I lived on my own. Unfortunately my salary is low (despite being a graduate of the best university in my country) so I can't afford to not live my parents. I never thought I'd be here at 25 if I'm honest :/ I thought I'd be in a more high-powered job living the bachelorette life of my dreams...

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Who cares why they ask this? Probably just small talk.



I haven't had many guys asking me this at all. Probably because it wont stop them anyway even if I live with someone LMAO

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I've noticed both offline and in OLD that guys often ask "do you live alone?" almost immediately. I mean, even after it's already been established that you're not married and don't have kids.




You're getting my own projections here because I can't speak for the rest of the male population, but for me, I ask this question to get a sense for how financially independent she is. I'm going to be 32 years old and I am looking for something serious right now. I'm also pretty established in my career. I simply don't want the worry of getting with someone who may be after my money and takes down everything I've worked so hard for if we divorce and have kids. Not going to happen. Of course, that doesn't mean if she tells me she has roommates or lives at home that it's a deal-breaker, but it's one of many questions I do ask women to get a sense for where they're at in their life.

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