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I feel that you were the first person to ever care for me.

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Hello guys,


Can any of you help translate this sentence for me? He text messaged me last night. English is my second language and I don't understand completely what he was trying to say. ---Why would he use 'you were' instead of 'you are'? What does 'care for' mean here? Does it mean 'love' or 'care about'?

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Unless the two of you have broken up, I'd guess that he simply mixed up his tenses of 'were' and 'are'. It's not an uncommon mistake, especially for those who aren't particularly academic.


I would assume 'care for' translates to 'care about'


hope that helps

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First, you should know that even people whose first language is English don't always use it correctly. Assuming that he is, "you were" would mean that, although you were the first, since you began caring for him, others have begun to care for him, too. ("You are" would mean that you were the first & are the only one.)


Caring for someone means having a fondness for them. "To care for" does not necessarily mean "love" (although if you love someone, it can be assumed that you care for them).


Overall, what he's trying to tell you is that before you, he never felt as though anyone cared for him.

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