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Do you think this date went well?


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I am visiting the city where a long distance crush lives. I haven't told him directly I have been crushing. We used to work together but not at the same company. We have been flirting but he is also a flirt. We have mostly been connecting personally and intellectually over the phone. I haven't seen him in around 2 months and that was when i noticed the inklings of chemistry.


I gave him one of the evenings of the trip, he wanted to see a Broadway show together. This was going to be our first one on one outing. We met in the late afternoon for early dinner. When I walked up he told me I looked really pretty. We greeted with hugs.


After the food we walked and talked for a bit.


Then we went to his place to talk over drinks and music. We talked about growing up, friends, music. Good, easy conversation. Time flew. We were sitting on the couch, closely. Good body language but nothing happened.


Then we headed to the show. On the way he wanted to take a silly photo. We posed for a silly selfie. He then posted it Facebook. We looked pretty cozy in the photo. I was a little surprised he posted it. This outed to everyone that we had a personal relationship and we're hanging out outside of work.


Then it was showtime. For most of the show our shoulders and knees were touching. Lots of whispering and private glances.


During the outing we talked about other things to do together.


We wrapped up grabbing a snack and the train to our destinations. The date ended 7 hours later with a few hugs and he kissed me on the cheek.


We have tentative plans for the last day of my trip and fir when he is in my town in a few weeks.


It was one of the best dates of my life but I was sort of sad we didn't kiss! Do you think it was still a success? I texted him to say thanks/had a great time when I got back to my hotel. When I woke up I saw he also replied with "I'm really glad you said that."


What do you think? Also what is your read on the public Facebook post? Never had an early stage date get a post.

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Sounds like it went well! Don't get ahead of yourself, though, just think of it as one nice date with a cute guy. If he thinks so too, he'll ask you out again.

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Sounds like a great date!! be happy you had such a nice time but enjoy the rest of your trip without expectations. go with the flow. he seems like a good guy.

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