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Is he an a-hole or am I tripping?

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I have a guy friend that I work with as well as have a fwb thing going on. We both decided before hand that we would just be friends being that neither of us r lining to get into a relationship. My dilemma is this, we are both having sex with other ppl, it's no secret, but he called me today and went into detail about sex with a chick he had just had sex with. It was weird. He talks to me about other females all the time. Which I don't mind but, it made me feel some kind of way when he went into such detail. Am I tripping or is this a douche bag thing for him to do?

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He is probably doing exactly what your arrangement is, friends with benefits. Me personally I can't do the friends with benefits. It seems now days that it's easy for people, but I fell in Love with the guy I started out like that fwb a few years back. So if it strikes you strange I would toss it now. Because fwb you shouldn't care at all and from my experience the guy takes you at your word.

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Well, I don't know know if it is a douchebag thing to do since you're just FWB's. But it isn't a smart thing to do if he wants to keep the FWB thing going with you unless you've indicated that you want to hear about such escapades.


I've had an FWB that I sort of viewed like a "dude that I have sex with". That is to say, she was very feminine and we had great sex. But I felt zero fidelity to her and kinda considered her to be like one of my guy friends. She'd ask all the time about details of the women I was also sleeping with. It just sort of seemed natural.


That being said - she never shared any details about her sexual escapades with me. Would probably have been a total turn off for me if she had.


Ya, I know - double standard. But whatayagoingtodo?

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I have a guy friend that I work with as well as have a fwb thing going on. We both decided before hand that we would just be friends being that neither of us r lining to get into a relationship. My dilemma is this, we are both having sex with other ppl, it's no secret, but he called me today and went into detail about sex with a chick he had just had sex with. It was weird. He talks to me about other females all the time. Which I don't mind but, it made me feel some kind of way when he went into such detail. Am I tripping or is this a douche bag thing for him to do?


wow people have weird relationships. if a man i was sleeping with called me to tell me about sex with someone else, i'd be appalled. even if it was just fwb. tell him to have some tact.

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I reckon he's into sharing stories. He probably will get quite aroused if you share yours in return.


I don't think he's a douchebag. But if you don't like his kind of kink, then just tell him.

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I just thought it was weird, I don't know maybe in just being a chick and over thinking. Maybe he does see me as a "dude" he has sex with as weird as that sounds lol. But it felt kind of like I was being disrespected in a way. Idk, I'm debating whether to bring it up or not.

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I just thought it was weird, I don't know maybe in just being a chick and over thinking. Maybe he does see me as a "dude" he has sex with as weird as that sounds lol. But it felt kind of like I was being disrespected in a way. Idk, I'm debating whether to bring it up or not.


I think it would be disrespectful if you were his girlfriend. But as FWB, I think the only reasonable expectation you can have is that he wears a condom.

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Title: Is he an a-hole or am I tripping?


Yes and yes.


But that's what you got yourself into agreeing to FWB. Without the F, it would just be sex with no relationship whatever. I've never agreed openly to FWB but I've had guys I was nuts about talk openly about other women they're seeing because they considered me a best friend or whatever, but not usually right when I was sleeping with them. I also would talk to guys that it wasn't "on" with right at the moment moaning about some man I was involved with. I think it's a selfish act, but I think when you make good friends and maybe the relationship is not conventional, if you want any rules to spare your own feelings, it's your obligation to speak up. "Hey, I know we're just FWB, but I'd just as soon not hear about other women. It's TMI."


And if it really bothers you, then just stop agreeing to no-strings sex on an ongoing basis. You can have no-strings sex on a one-niter and never think about them again and it is going to amount to the same thing. Nothing.

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