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Our freind is a slut!

Storm and Alexandra

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Storm and Alexandra

We are really worried about our best friend Tina. Everytime we go out she always sleeps with someone. She never uses any protection and hardly even knows their names! Please tell us what we can do to stop her from cheapening her body like this. She has never got pregnant but she thinks that it will stay the same, she is only 16. What can we do?

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Obviously, she doesn't care about herself and her parents don't care what she does. If you think they do care, that they are the type of people who would care whether their daughter lives or dies, then tell them. In 99.9 percent of cases, I do not believe in ratting on people...but this could save the girl's life. There are many diseases, including the fatal AIDs disease, that she can contract. Some that aren't fatal could screw her life up for years to come. Females with genital warts, for instance, have been shown to be prone to cervical cancer.


Very kindly, gently and with loving care tell her how concerned you are over this behavior and why. Then tell her that you love her enough to sacrifice your friendship for her life...if she doesn't STOP this behavior immediately you will tell her parents...and the local health department. You might also orient her about the importance of condoms for many reasons, although condoms are not 100 percent effective for birth or disease control...but their better than nothing.


You might also tell her about the problems associated with an unwanted pregnancy. Having a child to raise at her age would be debilitating. Often one child leads to another and another, bogging down her youth forever.


The health department or appropriate health authority in your area needs to know about girls like this who are sleeping around without protection because she could start or be part of an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases.


Another person you might want to contact is her school counsellor. You might even go to the counsellor with this first...and let the counsellor do all the dirty work. A trained counsellor will know just how to handle this effectively. Even if Tina will just start using protection or get regular doctors check ups, that would be better than nothing.


Don't worry about losing her friendship now. She's not concerned about that. Later on, when she matures a bit, she will thank you many times for helping stop this foolishness and possibly saving her life.


I would refrain from calling her a slut. She is just a young lady who is very misdirected and may have a lot of problems you have no idea about. My guess is that she comes from a broken or abusive home environment that is pretty sad.


Please get her some help, fast. And do it quietly without discussing what you are doing with any other people. That's very important. And be sure to warn her first of how and why you plan to get involved.


She's lucky to have friends who care about her as much as the two of you.

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Well she is a good girl. I commend her for sleeping around. I like that, but protection is a must!!!


We are really worried about our best friend Tina. Everytime we go out she always sleeps with someone. She never uses any protection and hardly even knows their names! Please tell us what we can do to stop her from cheapening her body like this. She has never got pregnant but she thinks that it will stay the same, she is only 16. What can we do?
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i agree with everything tony has said. she desperately needs to be made aware of the health risks she is taking and she should get tested asap. if she's not using protection, who knows what she could have picked up. that is highly irresponsible and could have fatal consequences.


whatever you do, do not call her a slut. it's highly likely that her sleeping with a different guy every week is not just for the thrill of sex, but it probably goes deeper than that and could be psychological.

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Storm and Alexandra

Its guys like you that are destroying our friend. You are sick, disgusting perverted and have no self respect or respect for other people. If you want to have opinions like this, keep them to yourselves becaiuse we love Tina to bits but sick people like you are not helping us to help nher.


Get a life............

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