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I'm just venting about my ex. Just want to get this **** off my chest ...


I'm trying to move on and I think it's best now to just try to concentrate on how she was not right for me. I may start writing "to" her, but I'll try not to.


I guess it doesn't even really matter if anyone reads this or not.


First of all, while yes she's attractive and very smart, she can also be a bit of a cold ass bitch. Some men might find that attractive, but I don't. I can't stand bitches. She can be a bitch on someone else's time.


And my daughter is a sweet young lady. No she might not be as mature and accomplished for her age as some, but I will support her no matter what. If that was a problem for her, then **** her. My daughter comes first.


When I think about it, she didn't even really know me. Oh we talked a lot, or rather she talked a lot. I listened to her prattle on about her, and her friends' daily problems in excruciating detail ad nauseum. But did I talk? Did she listen to me? No, it was all about her venting. After almost 4 years, other than the experiences we had together, and the few things I did manage to get in about my life, she barely knew me. She knows nothing about my friends from the past. She didn't care to learn about me, it was all about her. I found it endearing that she would want to use me as a sounding board and all, but ... there was no real communication ... communication is a two way street.


Then the stupid passive-aggressive facebook postings. What the ****? You can't just make the excuse that it's "you personal soapbox" That's a load of ****. She did that with the intention of hurting me, or trying to provoke a reaction. It was a childish stupid game. Good riddance.


I'm better off without her. My next girlfriend might not be as smart, or as pretty, but she will damn sure be more fun, and a lot sweeter.


About fun. She never liked to stay out late on weekends. She wanted to be in bed by 9 even on Fridays and Saturdays. WTF? Seriously? She didn't like to go see bands, or dance or really party at all.


My life will be so much better and less complicated going forward without her dragging me down.


She can ignore me forever, I'm done!

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Im very new to this site & this is the 1st post I read. I clicked it bc its title was "coping". I feel for ya! Chances are she wont realize what she lost til your WAAAAY gone & on with your life! Then all of a sudden she'll "like I just came across your number" or "I saw this thing that reminded me of us"! Seems like how it always goes! Someone you had these awesome feelings about treats you like **** & leaves & then "suddenly" realizes! Idk, just my opinion & how things have seemed to go with me anyway. But then again, my only REAL relationship (I thought I had atleast 4 serious relationships but now realize the 1 that came as my marriage & is getting ready to end) is getting ready to go down burning & I cant do anything more to try to stop it from happening. & I seriously doubt hes going to come to a realization or feel different about it a month or even 6 months down the rd. He talks like it'd b the best thing that ever happened to him. & that **** really hurts! Relationships/marriage/commitment is NOT easy street! Its work! On both sides! & if 1 isnt trying/working for the relationship but the other is tryin to hold up both ends, its just gonna go down even harder. Maybe not as fast but flaming is beyond words! Anyways! Im sorry for venting on your thread! I shoulda started 1 of my own...once I figure it out!:) urs is just the 1st post I saw & felt like "YEAH! EXACTLY!", u know?! But u WILL find someone that WILL listen to u just as much as u do them & appreciate u the way u do them! Theres some1 out there for everyone! Just takes time, hope & a lot of patients! :) im hopeful for me after apparently wasting 5 yrs of my life I guess. I dont feel like it was a waste but to him, he'll tell u he wished he never woulda married me, even tho its been almost 4 yrs since then , & we've had SOOO MANY awesome times & conversations & experiences together! Guess only on my side tho. Sux! I hate feeling this! Your heart will b stronger, you'll b wiser, & you wont deal with as much ****! Thats what im hoping for for me neway! Sry for blabbering! Many high hopes for u & your next!:)

Edited by QuietScorpio
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm so sorry you had to put up with a venomous woman like that for so long! Good riddance to bad rubbish! Onward and upward, you've got an amazing future ahead of you im sure :)


Feeling a bit low, sad and angry tonight so I needed somewhere to just vent about my ex too, hope you don't mind!

I hate how he fooled me, put on this 'act' and so smoothly acted like everything I wanted, I thought all my dreams had come true with him, but you know what they say, if it seems too good to be true, it's because it is!! I hate how he lured me in, even when I had doubts, the crocodile tears he shed, the many "I love you"s and "you're everything to me" that made me give him a chance, give him my heart, give him all my love. I hate that he chose drugs over me, that he always made me feel second to his friends and his weed, that I never felt like I was quite good enough, and that it was MY fault so I had to try harder to adapt to HIS life.

I hate how easily he tossed me away, as if he'd never loved me, as if I'd never given all of myself to him, bought him gifts, surprised him with little getaways, stayed up til all hours to drive him to/from work, paid for things when he couldnt, let him into not only my life, but my sons life. And he could just throw that all away like it was nothing. I hate how much I still love him, how much I tried to fight for us, and how little he made me feel when I was just trying to love him, fix our problems, and make HIM happy.

I hate that he has destroyed my self-esteem, and my trust in men, in people.


Augh that's alot :/ just angry that he's going about his life like 'us' never happened, while he's left me a tattered mess. I hate ever letting him into my life :(

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