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FWB how to get there??

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about a week ago i had a thread going about a possible "pity date" i took the advise given to me and just went out with this girl and had a good time we had plenty to talk about and since i didn't feel the need to impress or sweep her off her feet i was just myself........anyway since then she has been coming over just to hang out or watch movies or even just talk about my ex gf and her ex bf


thing is it's been about 4 months since my break up and i have come to the conclusion that me and my ex won't be getting back together and really i am not ready for a relationship but i am ready for some lovin hell i went from getting it everyday to nothing so.....last night who comes over but tina and well i started checking her out and well she is pretty hot


so how should i go about asking her if we can be FWB? or should i just act on it?

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Well, first of all you don't ask a woman, "hey you wanna have a FWB relationship"..That's like telling someone here take the gun and shoot me... ;)


These things just happen, you never know, if you start spending more time with her and wine & dine her she might give in to a little kissing and touchy feeling.


Just go with the flow.

If you see she's approachable in the sense of kissing...kiss her, if she reacts and doesn't move away you know she likes you...Her body language can tell you a lot, pay close attention to it... ;)

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NO don't just act on it IF You actually like this Girl and consider her a Friend.


Think of the things that could happen here IF she isn't aware of what it is you're lookin for..

What if she gets attached to you? What if she assumes that the 2 of you having sex means YOU want a relationship with her?


She just got sh*t on right? So yeah.. don't do that to her..


If you're down for a FWB deal, then talk to her about this and see if she's down for that.

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put a few drinks in her... LOL! jk!

if this is what you want... explain that you are not commitment ready, but you have some needs that she can help you with... if she wants to ... but make sure you lay down the rule... FWB! do not give any loophole for a relationship... i have been suckered into many relationships with out even knowing it. the honesty will make it easier if she or you find someone. just be honest. you said b4, you were yourself... dont change that now... be cool, calm, and open. she will appreciate that, and it will impress her at the same time.

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i think she is into me i mean she comes over when she feels like it and sits all close to me when we are watching tv and she knows i just got out of my 2 yr relationship so why be a touchy feely......she is always playing with my hair and rubbing my neck............i think am going to see what happens this weekend and maybe talk to her about this

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