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My Girlfriend totally ignored me in front of my best friend

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Me and my girlfriend are dating for 8 months now, we've gone through good and bad.

Yesterday me and my best friend went out for a walk around the city.

We were walking in the same area where my girlfriend lives, so she texted me to wait for here and see each other for half an hour or something.

We sat down and waited for her, then when she came the 3 of us were sitting and they started talking.My friend never had a girlfriend before and he is not into flirting with girls or something, he is 23 and we are 18. He started talking with her asking her some questions about her school, about her favourite subjects and so on.They got into a conversation, and I was sitting between them listenning, but there wasn't just anything to say.She seemed really interested in what he said, even though i saw she faked it, but she still continued to talk with him.She even asked him for his phone, when he proposed to play a song, and she started shuffling his music player.

I got really nervous, and while she was holding my hand and sitting in me, i moved, after that i put down her hand and at the end i went nuts and said to my friend lets go.She got pis*ed off and she shaked hands with him, told him bye, said nothing to me and left..


Later that night she called me and said why was this all about, and i explained that i didn't like how how she ignored me, and that i got irritated by the way she talked and by the inerest she had about my friend, and she said that she just wanted to make a good impression and stuff like that.

I have gone out with other girls and the same guy, but none of them gave him that attention. I am really jealous, and I am sure that she doesn't like him, but i can't stand the fact that she made me feel like a complete idiot who had nothing to say. Even there was a moment when i said something and she said "Shut up" and i completely went off.The thing that is bugging me is that the way she talked to my friend who was a complete stranger to her, and all that in front of me was so flirty.. and what could it be when i am not around? With other guys who she knows..She could be flirting with them also!


I am so confused now. I don't know what to do. She keeps on calling and texting me all day, even though I answered only once, and she keeps talking the same bllsht as the night before.My friend also got really upset about me, and appologised many times, in fact he was amazed that a girl showed such interest in him. What should I do now?

Edited by xia
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just so we know, can you share the ages of you, GF and your friend? This sounds like you are somewhat young.....


Jealousy makes one look very unattractive. I would suggest that you and your GF should discuss this calmly. You can start by telling her how this made you feel but also telling her that you heard her that making a good impression with your buddy was important to her. (If you believe that.) I am thinking there is some insecurity here so just keep in mind that there is no quicker way to lose a girl than to show insecurity. If you're bothered, don't show it but address it later in a conversation re: hey, you really seemed to connect with my friend....tell me what you think of him.


You always have the option to stay or walk but not to control.....

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just so we know, can you share the ages of you, GF and your friend? This sounds like you are somewhat young.....


Jealousy makes one look very unattractive. I would suggest that you and your GF should discuss this calmly. You can start by telling her how this made you feel but also telling her that you heard her that making a good impression with your buddy was important to her. (If you believe that.) I am thinking there is some insecurity here so just keep in mind that there is no quicker way to lose a girl than to show insecurity. If you're bothered, don't show it but address it later in a conversation re: hey, you really seemed to connect with my friend....tell me what you think of him.


You always have the option to stay or walk but not to control.....


He already said...him and his GF are 18. The friend is 23.


That explains a lot. I think she was just trying to be friendly. I remember at that age. .... I wanted my boyfriends mates to like me as a person...so I was chatty and friendly with them.

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Her method of friendliness was a little over the top possibly and you handled it poorly. So you felt insecure, but that doesn't give you the right to make everyone else feel bad for it. It was all pretty innocent. All you had to do was calmly pull her aside and tell her that you felt she was being rude for telling you to shut up, and how it made you feel uncomfortable that she would be a little flirty with your friend. She may not even have realized she was doing it OR you have mistaken her friendliness as flirting. I believe what she told you, that she wanted to set a good impression....oh well she knows now it was a mistake. Stop treating her like crap......your jealousy makes you very unattractive.


Your friend shouldn't take any of the brunt for this......

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What should you do now? Apologise to everyone for your insecurity.


She was just being friendly and welcoming to your friend.

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Okay, well...you're young. I think that she did kinda of disrespected you by ignoring you. But, I definitely feel a jealous streak in you as well.



For most women, if it happens once, then it's cute. But, if it's repetitive, then it becomes annoying to them and can end the relationship. So, you need to get a handle on that. And besides, your friend is your friend. And if he respects you, you would never try to hook up with your girl. And besides, he's much older than her. If you're in the states, she can't get into most clubs and bars. Places that he can get into.



However, you need to talk to her because treating you like you're the plague when interacting with other guys IS disrespectful.

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I disagree with most posters.


It's not up to her or your friend to include you in the conversation. If you are timid, that is your own problem. Learn to speak up.


However, telling you to shut up so she can continue talking with your friend while you stand there like an idiot as she gives him her number....


To me, that's rude.


If I had been your friend, I would have put her in her place by making sure to include you in the conversation at the very moment she told you to shut up. Especially at that moment.


Maybe she had good intentions, but the execution was pitiful.


Had the situation been reversed, and the man told the woman to shut up while ....arguably flirting with her friend....I'm sure you'd get reactions like "what a scumbag, drop him!".


The severity of the rudeness is not gender specific. Respect, at that point, flew out the window.


You can either address it, leave it alone, or make it into a relationship breaker. The choice is yours.

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