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Thinking all men are attracted to me

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So here's an embarrassing confession and I would like your help on it..


I think that all men I communicate with like me.


Whether this be co-workers or any other.


I hate this and I want to get over myself.


Anyone with true advice? I really need to get over this and be able to communicate with men in a normal way.

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Michelle ma Belle

I'm not sure what the issue is. How does thinking they like you inhibit your ability to communicate with them?


More specifics would be helpful.

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Let me get specific...


I get the feeling that men I communicate with on regular basis, are physically attracted to me.

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I think many women are physically attracted to me or auto-assume something bad about me. It doesn't change how I communicate with them.

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Michelle ma Belle
Let me get specific...


I get the feeling that men I communicate with on regular basis, are physically attracted to me.


Okay, I'll bite...again... :rolleyes:


So? Why exactly is that a problem?


You said you have a problem communicating with them. I don't understand how thinking a man finds you attractive stops you from doing that. Do you clam up? Do you run in the other direction? Do you stutter? Do you throw yourself at him before he's had a chance to open his mouth? What????

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I know that feeling, OP......


It's sometimes difficult to engage in strictly business related conversations when your male co-workers are flirting and undressing you with their eyes.


You have to learn to ignore it and just concentrate on your job.

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Sorry guys, I think I'm not being clear enough here.


There's nothing wrong with my communication with them. I communicate perfectly fine with men. It's just my own thoughts that I believe that they are indeed attracted to me, or undressing me with their eyes.

I notice that, even when they're being very nice to me, I think that their niceness is specially done towards me because they like me.


I hope I'm able to get my problem across.


There's no problem from the outside, it's just that I do want to get over myself. Like seriously, why for christ sake would EVERY man be attracted to me? That's ridiculous...

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SerCay , it's entirely possible that a good majority of men ARE attracted to you.


Us women can sense these things....some times you can't help but go by your intuition.


I will say though that if you're under the impression that EVERY guy wants you, then maybe you're correct in thinking that's abnormal.

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It's quite likely that they are attracted to you.


That being said, I suspect you're not so old. Just wait till your my age (late 40's) and guys just don't notice you anymore. Time will solve this issue.

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SerCay , it's entirely possible that a good majority of men ARE attracted to you.


Us women can sense these things....some times you can't help but go by your intuition.


I do feel as if I can sense it...with some more than with others. I feel quite ashamed of my sensing it though and as you can read...I doubt myself :S

I mean I cannot know for sure and I feel ashamed as well for maybe sensing wrongly..while they're just trying to be nice for example..


It didn't help that my ex boyfriend, whom I was together with for 5 years, used to tell me that I'm a "man-magnet"

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I find this really shocking!


Been told by people I am lovely, stunning, gorgeous etc all through the past 20 years and I still get compliments daily but I can't fathom thinking this about colleagues or anyone.


Why do you not just think they are friendly colleagues?


If I were to think this way then my entire male colleague-net would be attracted - eek! That's a heck of a lot of guys! They are the majority and they all interact in a friendly way with me always. There's over 80 of them! :laugh:

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i think all you can do is ignore it.....and go with the thought they are just being nice until proven otherwise because going by what you sense is jumping the gun big time.........because chances are they could just be being nice..if they act nervous it might be something else entirely that is making them that way......there are nice men around who dont undress a woman in their mind every time they stand near them......




i believe in listening to that inner voice and senses...but....you dont need to act on them or do anything unless its a dangerous sort of feeling you get..or a truly positive one...dont allow for doubt to be there before you act......i feel just being nice back is the best way to go...most men if they like you...end up saying it anyway..which is normally how you can truly judge your intuition to act upon feelings or know if feelings are actually there.....they have to say them aloud....kills all doubt.........most good men, they let you know they like you by asking you out until then....just treat them how they treat you....with friendliness and courtesy......deb

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Most guys will "scope out" just about any woman that can fog a mirror...Doesn't even mean they necessarily like you ....



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are you overly vain/conscious about your looks and appearance? ime women (and men) who are somewhat entrenched in maintaining their own physical attractiveness somehow project that onto others and assume others like them physically as well (although that's not the case). it can stem from low self-esteem and the thought that you're not actually attractive, so any validation from anyone who even says hello can rev up your motor and lead you to believe it's romantic interest of some sort.

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Option 1. They all in fact are attracted to you.


Option 2. They aren't all in fact attracted to you.


Neither situation seems like a really big issue, to me; not to the point that you should re-evaluate yourself anyway.


Also, I won't worry too much about it: it is very possible for even extremely attractive ppl to live completely normal lives too, from what I hear...

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are you overly vain/conscious about your looks and appearance? ime women (and men) who are somewhat entrenched in maintaining their own physical attractiveness somehow project that onto others and assume others like them physically as well (although that's not the case). it can stem from low self-esteem and the thought that you're not actually attractive, so any validation from anyone who even says hello can rev up your motor and lead you to believe it's romantic interest of some sort.


Unfortunately, yes this is a trait of mine which I'm not proud of. I always want to be groomed 100% and I'm very conscientious of my looks and how others perceive it..


It might indeed be from a place of low self esteem, as I have been through a relaionship of 5 yrs that left me at my lowest point at the end..


What to do about this beside the obvious learning to love thyself?


How to overcome being overly conscientious anyway?

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Are you generally a happy person who is kind, caring and passionate?


If the answer is yes, you will always have men being attracted to you.

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Charlie Harper

Why is a bad thing?


on the contrary, its great, you get a lot of freebies, compliments, people are nice to you, get the good tables at restaurants, heck even people expect you to tell them "something".


I don't get it why is so bad, I used to get embarrassed when a woman bought me presents or compliment on my looks or anything, now I have learned to compliment back on REAL stuff, and I feel pretty confortable, there is not a week that goes by , when I don't receive some kind of present from a woman, and I think is great, yes sometimes is creepy when they "stare" at you and you feel like being drilled...but now I don't get nervous or feel creeped out....


learn and live

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Are you generally a happy person who is kind, caring and passionate?


If the answer is yes, you will always have men being attracted to you.


Yes I am indeed...I've had troubles with my own girlfriends because of this in the past as well. Them thinking their boyfriends liked me and idiotic things like that.

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Are you generally a happy person who is kind, caring and passionate?


If the answer is yes, you will always have men being attracted to you.


Well yes that looks great on paper, but the reality is OP probably looks hot.

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Well yes that looks great on paper, but the reality is OP probably looks hot.


Thing is, I used to find myself really attractive. Nowadays I am 20 pounds above my usual weight, so I feel less attractive and comfortable in my skin. It doesn't seem to bother men though.


See how vain my thoughts are?


Now that I think of it, I've had low self esteem since I was a teenager. Somehow in my puberty years, it started and never really left. My bad reationship made it worse, and I started to feel like I can only feel good bout myself when I'm at my goal weight.


On the other hand, since I was a child, then during teenage years, and now more than ever, I've had people tell me that I'm gorgeous, I've had men gaze at me, I've had men feeling attracted to me always everywhere...I kinda got used to it but as you see, I've started to doubt myself.


This is a really weird phase I'm going through. How can it be that on the one hand, I feel so bad about myself, but on the other hand, the outer world seems to think so highly of me? (Purely talking about looks in this last sentence?)


I feel as if I'm either really weird, and my perception is wrong, and all men are like this to all women, all the time. OR there is something that I just don't see about myself that all these other people do see. Which would mean that I have very serious issues with myself....to the point that I'm blind for my own looks.


I must sound really strange to you all :o

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Well yes that looks great on paper, but the reality is OP probably looks hot.


...since we're all being honest. Now I want the OP to post a picture just so I can see if I'm better looking. Is that a gross think to think? Yep. But I get points for honesty.

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