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Letting go of the vision


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Hi everyone,


It's been a week since I decided I would let go of this vision I had of us.


We weren't even actually together in a relationship but it was always there (for me). Since she moved away we were supposed to talk about us and the logistics behind starting a long distance relationship. Her dad passed away days after and we never had a chance to have that talk.


4 months go by of hot and cold text messages. Finally after a 2 week span of not talking I send her a text to talk. She sends me a long text asking why I bother. I lay it for her and tell her where I was. She responds by saying that she does not see a future with me. I thank her for being honest and delete her off social media and go strict no contact


Its been a week since and some days are good and some bad. I find that whenever I see something that reminds me of us I have to stop and catch myself as my mind thinks about what we were supposed to be.


The fact that we never actually started a relationship may be an advantage to my recovery but I'm still having a hard time accepting it. I spent 4 months (since she left) building this image of us together wnat it would be like. Now I have no choice but to let that die. It's ironic how the grief of her fathers passing had completely changed her yet I find myself grieving the end of what could have been between us.


Thanks for reading.

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