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rewritting history & the animosity.


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It seems like silence is the one thing people cannot stand. I think he wants to provoke you into some type of response, be it positive or negative.


oh, he does.


he keeps sending me and leaving me messages and i keep NOT reading any of it. i think i'm annoyed and mad at myself because i feel pretty embarrassed over the entire situation - like, how come i didn't choose better...? at least someone who won't lead some kind of smear campaign against me after the break up?


i don't know. i'm mostly disappointed with myself. i'll be okay though. i just need some time to bounce back.


thank you, everyone. i'm very grateful for this forum.

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I've had a similar experience, although it didn't follow me into the workplace.


My advice is just let him talk and paint you black. Eventually people will see through him and you'll look to be the one who took the high road. People may give you the cold shoulder now but in time they will most likely respect you for not jumping to the defensive.



Stay strong, I know being in that position is tough.

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