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Is he crazy? Or just weird?

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I've been seeing this guy for some months now. He's a professional dancer and with his lifestyle, I don't see him wanting to settle down anytime soon. Despite the fact that he's almost 30. I actually am looking for a serious relationship. He seems to hide his feelings. He has an enormous ego and doesn't like to say how he feels. He's the youngest and only boy in his family. I think that has something to do with his attitude. He's spoiled and VERY bratty.


I've told him that I do not wish to see him anymore. This is because I do not see any progress. As I've said before I'd like a real relationship. This was a few weeks ago when I INITIALLY said this. He went a few days without speaking to me or even attempting to. Eventually he started looking constantly at my snapchat (snapchat shows you who views for those of u who don't know). By constantly I mean literally EVERYDAY. So I figured no big deal. He's just looking. Then he started to send me Blank text messages. If he seen that I opened the text message he'd send another one!! He stopped for a day and then finally sent a message saying hi. I responded and we started talking again.


Since talking to him again, I realized things will not change. I would text him, he'd read it and not respond. Not even to say "I'm busy" or anything. So I asked him to leave me alone please. I explained to him that I don't need anyone in my life who doesn't mean well. I asked him nicely to not bother me. I blocked his phone number. IMMEDIATLEY following this he started looking at all my snapchat pics. He would look as I would upload then. Even if I upload one and then another an hr later, he still was the first person to view everything. As if he was waiting..... I felt that was kind of weird since I'd asked to be left alone. Coincidentally I received Facebook friend request from a FAKE page. It was a weird name with only one friend. I denied but I feel like it was him. I don't get him. He's not willing to at least try and be consistent BUT is willing to be psycho and stalk my life. Is this not weird to anyone else? Does he not seem a little off?

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Ummm. Hmm. He's probably interested in your life but he doesn't want to say anything. I think if he wanted a relationship or for any progression then he would have made some by now. So you're probably better off just ignoring him, delete him, block him on everything, etc. And move on with your own life and find someone who you can have a good relationship with.

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He's probably used to getting whatever he wants. Not used to rejection. To constantly view pics of someone everyday, that's an obsession. Seems like he has feelings for you but would rather have you come after him. Which is why he sends BLANK text messages. To get your attention. He wants you to text back something even if it's "why'd you send a blank Text?". You're doing the right thing by ignoring him. He's a moron. He will regret losing you for sure.

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