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Is time really a great healer?


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People say time is a great healer, but lately I'm thinking differently.


I was with my ex for about 5 - 6 months. Although this seems like a short period of time, I was deeply in love with him and the feeling was mutual (so it seemed). He was in the marines, so more often then not I would have to communicate with him through text messages and phone conversations as he was based up in Scotland and I live in London.


Whenever he was around it was amazing, we did everything together and genuinely I had never felt that way about anyone. He came back one weekend to surprise me and I was thrilled to see him, we spent the entire time together as he had to leave on the Sunday evening.


I kissed him goodbye and he told me he looked forward to seeing me next time. When he got back to Scotland a few hours later, I received a text message telling me that basically he was temporarily being moved to a different location and that he would not be able to communicate with me for 3-4 weeks due to a lack of signal/wifi. I trusted him completely so I had no reason to think he was lying, despite my better judgement and not to mention the criticism of both my friends/family. A week later, I received a text message from him asking how I was doing and that he really missed me etc.


For weeks his whatsapp, Facebook and twitter accounts were all inactive, so his story about the lack of signal/wifi seemed legit. Until a month later they all became very active again, comments flying back and forth between him and his friends, and yet he made no effort to contact me. I desperately wanted to know what was causing this behavior as I was devastated but my friends/family convinced me to leave it be and wait for him to contact me.


That was 4 months ago and I haven't heard from him since. I've been seeing people for dates and stuff since but nothing seems to make me feel better about losing him. Although, yes I understand he was an absolute ******* for completely disappearing, I can't seem to shake off the feelings I had for him. My Mum in particular gets really mad at me for being so upset even though I know he treated me so badly. The last memory I have of him is when he came back to surprise me which makes me feel 10x worse; I feel that after 4 months I should at least be beginning to forget about the whole thing but I just can't. I'm so deeply hurt by his silence.


Does anyone have any recommendations?

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Give yourself a year hun you havent event been apart for the time you were together, its still fresh, time doesnt heal all feelings I call bull**** on that but it does make you forget sort of, fleetingly, life gets in the way and we get busy and move onward and then you can go days without thinking of them maybe eventually weeks in due time and while feelings might still be there they dont break you down into an emotional mess anymore and you can control the residing feelings easily where you will think of him and feel but it will be short and youll find life gets to busy again.


Idk if that explanation helps of how I view the theory of time healing like I said it doesnt make things you felt vanish but time makes things bearable if that makes sense.

Edited by Omei
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