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Why do girls play hard all the time? WHen you meet them and start going out, they play hard to get in the beginning, as if they don't want to have sex with you, when in fact you know that they are turned on, but they dont do it, because they think guys will get a wrong idea bbaout them or, they tell you stuff like :First comes relaitonship, then sex or do you think our relationship is stable?


What the hell is that? WHy are girls so insecure about everything. I think the relationships where sex is there from the start are the ones that usually work out, and if sex is not good, why stay in a relationship after all. SO i believe first comes sex, and if sex is not there, relaitonship really can not start. I am just so fed up with it!

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1. "Why do girls play hard all the time?"


Not all of them do, but the ones who do usually are better off and end up with better quality relationships. They are also much smarter than the others because they know if they're easy, the guys will be turned off...and they're absolutely right. There aren't many guys like you who enjoy a quick, easy you-know-what...and stick around.


2. "then sex or do you think our relationship is stable?"


Females are lots more emotional about sex than men. While to most men, quick sex just means getting off...most females attach great significance to a sexual relationship and it has meaning for them beyond the physical.


So why don't you just have respect for that and go along with it. If you treat a lady very nice and try to involve youself in her life beyond her vagina, you will have a much more fulfilling relationship and you will get laid a lot sooner and more often.


3. "What the hell is that? WHy are girls so insecure about everything."


They are insecure because of guys just like YOU!!!


Many girls have been taken advantage of more than once. They get really fond of a guy, they think he really cares about them...they sleep with him...and never hear from him again. This is very hurtful to a female and after a while they do everything they can do keep it from happening again. Of course, there are your ladies who just give up and give in. It's so sad.


You'll get a lot further in life if you take some time out, go to your room, turn off all the noise, a try to put yourself in other people's places. While you may enjoy girls who love you for your penis, most of them do not like guys who love them for the sex they can offer.


4. "I think the relationships where sex is there from the start are the ones that usually work out, and if sex is not good, why stay in a relationship after all."


First, you are very wrong. Relationships where sex is there from the start have a pretty poor chance usually. If a relationship doesn't have a sound emotional and intellectual base and component, the sex will get old over time and the guy will move on.


5. "SO i believe first comes sex, and if sex is not there, relaitonship really can not start. I am just so fed up with it!"


Well, you are certainly entitled to your beliefs. And the kind of girls you will meet and like are the ones who sleep with every guy right after they meet them.


So use protection, get a doctor's check up once a month and an AIDs test once every four to six months. Be sure your health insurance covers AIDS.


You seem to be pretty shallow and superficial so I doubt you would need your insurance to cover counselling when these ladies leave you because you don't seem to show much feeling or emotion. That's probably why you just don't get it. Anyway, I hope in time you will learn that women are a lot more than a socket for your plug.

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Maybe you just don't have what it takes to turn them on right away and make them jump in bed for you.


Maybe they just don't want to have sex with YOU.


Maybe they know the type of guy you are and how you feel about sex and relationships, so they bring up the "relationship first" excuse just to scare you away. That way they can get rid of you chasing after them without too much trouble.


A friend of mine can get almost any girl to jump in bed with him the same night he meets her. If you're interested, maybe I can ask him to give you some pointers.


Take care!

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