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Why can't people make up their minds my themselves?

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I am in a new sales job right now and it really bugs me the way some married people just can't make decisions on their own without "approval" from the other spouse. Most often it is these men who act like little boys who need permission from their mother! It really aggrovates the hell out of me to see grown men acting like little sissies over such things as cellular phones. They are all eager to buy, but then when I hear from them later it is usually the wife who has said "no" to the sale. What kind of man would want a woman who makes all the decisions for him?

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YOU ASK: "What kind of man would want a woman who makes all the decisions for him?"


1. A man who consults his wife on decisions that involve recurring monthly expenses that do not exist at present.


2. A man who doesn't want a divorce.


3. A man who doesn't want to get yelled at or locked out of the house.


4. A man who likes to get laid on a regular basis.


5. A man who doesn't want his evening meal to contain poison.


6. A man who is too much of a wimp to tell you "NO" himself and wants to blame it on his wife.


7. A man who really doesn't need a cell phone because he's lived 30, 40, 50 or more years without one and has done great.


8. A man whose wife writes all the checks and decides what gets paid for and what doesn't.


9. A man who's afraid his wife will use the phone more than him and run up a bunch of big bills.


10. A man who realizes that if he gets a cell phone, his wife will be able to find him no matter where he is.


11. A man whose wife has said she knows of a nicer model and a better deal with another company.


Married people do business the same way businessmen with partners do. They are easily able to say "no' or put off decisions by saying either their partner doesn't want to make a move at this time or wants to hold off until the situation changes.


The strategy is not just limited to the cell phone business...it happens all the time everywhere and it's pretty good because it works. There's no better way to say "no" than to say you want to do something but it's just out of your control.


You'll use the technicque one day too, I promise.

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Maybe they were just trying to be nice.


You said you were in a sales job. So let's say you tried to sell them a cellphone. They wanted to be nice and say, sure I'll think about it. They probably mentioned that they'd discuss it with their wife, just to get you off their back.


You said, "They are all eager to buy, but then when I hear from them later it is usually the wife who has said "no" to the sale."


So then when you talked to them later on, they used that as a good excuse instead of saying "no i'm not interested in the phone" so that it would put the blame on someone else and they could nicely get rid of you trying to sell them something.


(maybe your scenario is somewhat different, but it's the same logic, i think)

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