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Weirdest Feeling I've Ever Had


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So this girl and I decided to end things. We weren't in a relationship, but just hanging out a lot and talked everyday, but when we hung out, it just felt off. She's just s strange girl, odd personality. I know she's not right for me. I found out some things about her that kinda bothered me. She's lazy, clumsy, has the most unattractive and off putting laugh I've ever heard from anyone, I'm used to being with very very attractive women, like the kind that go into a college party, club, or bar and guys are staring and she gets attention every where she goes, and this girl isn't anywhere close to that, she looks good, but a bit above average, her and I don't have that much in common, she's more into going out and drinking on the weekends, meanwhile I bodybuild and model and take care of my body and avoid alcohol. She also doesn't seem too smart. She can't drive somewhere even with a GPS and not get lost, we were texting once and she meant to say "edition" and she thought it was "addition" doesn't even know the damn difference. And when we hang out, it doesn't feel completely right, there's been many other women I've been with where it felt like it was a fit. So why in the world would I miss this girl and think about her everyday??? Just makes no sense at all. Has anyone felt this before? Annoying as hell that I know she has all these flaws that I'm not used to seeing in a girl, she's not as attractive as girls I'm used to, and she doesn't even feel right for me, yet I still like her and think about her and miss her



I'll add that it was actually still too early for me to decide whether or not it was a good fit. We didn't really get the chance to know each other too well. So I'm not sure, something may have eventually clicked


One more thing I meant to add. She was red flag for me as well. This girls been in one relationship (nothing wrong with that, I actually like that) BUT with a really ****ty guy would would not let her go out with her friends and cheated on her 3 times - that's the big red flag. He cheated, she got back with him/forgave him, he cheated again, they got back together/forgave him, he cheated a 3rd time and that's when she finally called it quits for good. You have to be a complete idiot to keep getting back with someone who keeps cheating on you

Edited by Reitteg813
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sounds like subconsciously you thought she was a good match. Even with everything telling you she's not a good match you saw something worth investigating. Couple that with the Completion Principle and I suspect that is why she won't leave your mind.


Think of it like you were watching a movie that was only okay, and the power goes out preventing you from finishing it. You'll devote brain power trying to devise how the movie would end... just as you are doing with this girl.

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Well, I'd like to be idealistic and suggest maybe it's real love, but I am not ready to make that leap yet. You have to ask yourself some questions.


What was I getting out of that relationship?


Does the fact she's a little dumber than me on some level make me feel better about myself by comparison?


Does she seem to look up to me?


Does she seem to need me?


All those things will make a man's ego be attracted to a woman, but I have seen men make some godawful mistakes by following their ego when some woman is making the feel superior or needed or hero-worshipped.


So be honest and rule that out. Some girls who seem dumb do it on purpose to manipulate you.


But if you're ruled out that her being less than is making you feel more than, well, maybe you have just found out that looks and all that aren't everything and sometimes two people just click. But I do agree with you the red flag about her past relationship and staying in it, because that can certainly mean she has low self-esteem.

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Either this is a big curious factor like WTH? :D


Or those things make her a cute package ;).


If you want her, don't ever shared those things you shared here lol. Hopefully, they are actually pluses.

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