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international... friendship? or more...?

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We had a nice friendship, then one night we kind of caved and got intimate. He was very distant after this and just told me that because he knew he was leaving the country, he didn't want to get too serious or further involved because he was really sad. He left the country. The other day he sent me a text: "Miss you." I'm so confused by this guy. In one breath he wants to be friends but he calls me "boo" and a boat load of other pet names. We both have feelings for each other but won't say it. What do I do? I miss him terribly as well and can't stop thinking about him. We don't typically have deeper "relationship-type" talks because I'm afraid of scaring him and I don't really know what I want.

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Hate to say it but it kinda sounds like he wants to keep you on the line as a potential booty call whenever he's in town and/or lonely. If you're good with that fine, but it sounds like you 'caught feelings' so it'd probably be best to steer clear unless you like heartache. ;)

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