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I have found that the best way to make someone like you...

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Is to really like them. I started working at my job two years ago. When I started, it was the owner, his wife, his wife's mother, his wife's sister, and his wife's sister's best friend. :o


I wasn't family...how in the blue heck was I supposed to get anywhere. It turns out, the owner's wife's mother wanted to retire, so I started training with her. I fell in LOVE with her. She was so funny and cute...but in a sassy sophisticated way :love: Then, the owner and his wife brought their little girl to work. I absolutely fell in LOVE with her...and I let them know it. I hug them whenever I see them, and I know I just light up when I see them. After me getting excited to see them a few times, they got excited to see me. And now, the whole family has accepted me :D


I feel like a cousin or something :D


They don't have to like me because of me...I think they liked me because I'm so crazy about them...it made them feel special :)

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It doesn't always work.


I think one of my most obnoxious flaws (obnoxious to me, not others :D ) is that I value people liking me too much.

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bribery by chocolate works well, too! :laugh:


several years ago, when DH was working out of Galveston, I drove down there one weekend with my 16-yoa god-daughter in tow, because she wanted to visit her older sister at Rice University. Now, she's a great kid, but gets grumpy when she's tired. So, I packed a HUGE bag of Hershey miniatures, and everytime she'd wake up from napping in the car (it's about a 4-hour drive one-way), I'd shove chocolate at her because I didn't want to hear it.


boy, you'd have thought I hung the moon, especially when I told her to keep the bag. *snicker* I finally 'fessed up that I didn't want to have a grumpy child on hand, and it wasn't because I loved her but that I needed to bribe her!!!!

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