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do i or dont i ?

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well i have known this guy for about 3 years and me and him have always had this attraction to one another. about 3 months ago we were talking about this attraction and ended up talking everyday on the phone. well i am friends with his G/F and he is friends with my husband. well we ended up having sex and the best sex at that. we have had sex about 10 times in the past 3 months. we both say it was the best sex we have ever had. now i am separated with my huband and him, and i have such strong feelings toward him and i dont now what to do.


i hang out with him and his g/f and it is so weird because we give eachother this look everytime we are around eachother....what do i do...let it go as a fling....or tell him how i feel?

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I'm sure he already knows how you feel. Its the fact that he still has a girlfriend that tells you all you need to know about how he feels.

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