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i thought he was mine and now hes sumone elses.. HELP!? im gettin no replies here!!!

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It begins like this.. Im 16 and i like this guy in my class (im gr. 11 in a gr. 10 class) hes in grade 10... (only 15) sooo we both like eachother... were always flirting soo much and i talk to him online all the time for hours and hours and he tells me how much he likes me and how we should hang out and stuff. Just today he sed i love you.. and im like yea i love u too u make me so happy... well a couple days ago he told me he all of a sudden likes this other girl... (shes a year younger)and he was confuzed becuz he doesnt want to hurt either of us... well that went on a couple of days and yesterday he decided that he doesnt like her anymore... he told me that!...he sed

"I choose you..." so im like Well what about her?... what if u like her again ...liek are you sure..? He told me he was positive and sed it wouldnt happen... so i was SOOO happy liek i couldnt stop smiling ALL day.... and today i went to school and saw him and we flirted so much it was awesome.. today when i talked him after school, that was when he was liek i love you! so i was freaking out becuz im like obsessed with him....and have been waiting so long for him to choose me. So then he had to go cuz he was going out for supper with his family and then i talked 2 him when he got back and he had to leave again cuz his friend called and wanted him to hang out.. SO im pretty sure it was herhe was hanging out with... becuz he came back and then told me that he was wrong when he sed he only liked me. and hes confuzed again... so i told him how i cant keep going back to him cuz it really hurtz... ( I WAS FREAKING OUT.. so sad) so we were talking and hes saying how he cant see himself going out with me but he can see himself with her... exact quote..." i like you but i dont want to go out with you" which was odd becuz today he was talking about going out... he sed if we ever went out i would never dump you becuz he'd like me way too much :confused: .. so we also talked about whats happens in one month when summer comes and we dont have that class togeter .. then hes liek were definately going to have to hang out then... I WAS SO EXCITED! ... but anywayz back to what he sed b4... he sed he didnt want to go out with me... so i asked him whuts the point in liking me at all and me trying if im not goign to get anywhere... and i told him how hurt i was that he wants her not me..... i started bawling my eyes out and didnt stop for the next half hour (never cried liek this over a guy b4 even after being cheated on ) he sed he was hurt too... and all i could think of was why are u hurt... when im the one whos going to end up alone?? then we talked about seeing eachother at school tomorw and if it wud be weird... now that he sed that... so i sed we can be friends right? and hes like yea... so all in one day he goes from loving me.... 2 were friends now... when he left hes like im sooo sorry emily i really hope we can be friends... ive never been so hurt... this came totally outta no where i was SOOO convinceed i had him... and now i have no chance... He was saying he still likes me and hes sorry and hes stupid and i have every right to hate him.... but i sed i dont becuz i know how he feels and if i was in his position i wud hope to not be hated... but this sucks... do i still have a chance... i dont care how much of a jerk he was being 4 leading me on... i'll do anything to get him!!!! :'( He wasn't even mine... yet it still hurt so bad? how cud i cry like that... over someone i never had.... :'(



getting no replies!!

sumone help

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*sigh* I hate to put down what you're feeling, because I remember when I was there, and it feels SO REAL...but there's nothing you can do about it. He's a teenage boy. They don't know what they want. He likes you, but he likes her. He doesn't understand committment and neither do you.


Trust me...in two years, you won't even remember this drama.

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