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I have a question about female masturbation. I asked my girl whether she has done it or not, and she said she tried it once but did not like it, and never done it since. I asked her whether she would do it if she was single and not having sex, and she said, probably she would not. Well, does it mean that her sex drive is low? I mean, when I am not dating anyone, once in a while I gotta masturbate, cause I really get frustrated if I don't get off at least once in 2-3 days. Well, maybe it has to do something with how male reproductive system works, that males really need to clean their pipes (flush out) the accumulated semen. SInce women do not produce semen, there is no need to masturbate i suppose? Can females clarify this for me. I did not believe my girl friend. I think she is lying about the fact that she has never masturbated. I offered her if she wanted to try mutual masturbation, and she does not want to.

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To tell you the truth, your g/f sounds like she is telling the truth. I tried it once and didn't care for it. It doesn't really "do much" for you. As far as how much guys do it, im not a doctor, but maybe thy do have to do it to keep them fresh. i really dont know. if your girl doesnt want to do the mutual thing, i wouldnt push her to. maybe she just isnt ready or in the mood for that type of thing. hope i helped some.


I have a question about female masturbation. I asked my girl whether she has done it or not, and she said she tried it once but did not like it, and never done it since. I asked her whether she would do it if she was single and not having sex, and she said, probably she would not. Well, does it mean that her sex drive is low? I mean, when I am not dating anyone, once in a while I gotta masturbate, cause I really get frustrated if I don't get off at least once in 2-3 days. Well, maybe it has to do something with how male reproductive system works, that males really need to clean their pipes (flush out) the accumulated semen. SInce women do not produce semen, there is no need to masturbate i suppose? Can females clarify this for me. I did not believe my girl friend. I think she is lying about the fact that she has never masturbated. I offered her if she wanted to try mutual masturbation, and she does not want to.
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I thinking masturbation is GREAT!!!!! Masturbation has helped me to figure out what I enjoy and don't enjoy. It has helped me to be much more in tune with my body, so I can better communicate my desires to men. It is a great confidence/independence boost knowing that I can sexually gratify myself without relying on a man. If it weren't for masturbation I would be a slut b/c I am a horny woman. Instead of messing around with a man out of complete horniness, I can stand waiting for someone I am truly interested in. BTW, I am in medical school, and I was taught that 70% of woman masturbate. It is totally normal and healthy, although it is not as socially accepted as male masturbation, so it is rarely discussed. Finally, if a woman can't acheive an orgasm, my very best advice is for her to try masturbating. The only woman I know who have never climaxed are those who don't masturbate.

To tell you the truth, your g/f sounds like she is telling the truth. I tried it once and didn't care for it. It doesn't really "do much" for you. As far as how much guys do it, im not a doctor, but maybe thy do have to do it to keep them fresh. i really dont know. if your girl doesnt want to do the mutual thing, i wouldnt push her to. maybe she just isnt ready or in the mood for that type of thing. hope i helped some.
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i think your girlfriend is probably telling the truth. masturbation is not for everybody. if she is reasonably young, she may not really know what to do. i had no idea what female masturbation was all about until i was about 18 or 19 years old and in a relationship. it was my boyfriend who filled in the blanks for me. i'd never even tried it before then or considered it.


a lot of females masturbate. even the ones who aren't really horny all the time. some masturbate all the time, some a few times a week, a few times a month, some hardly ever do, while some never do it.


i think masturbation is a good way to find out what you like, and how you like it done. it is also a good way to release sexual tension without going out and shagging someone for the heck of it. it is 100% safe and at least this way, you don't get hurt or regret anything afterwards.

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Okay, I get you Miss Mojo. But what I am trying to figure out is this. FOr me, if I don't get off at least once a week, it starts interfering with my daily activities, meaning, I can not concentrate, and all I want is to run to some private place and just release the tension, with my girl or alone, if I am single. But I was wandering, do girls get this way, meaning, do they get horny to the point where they get frustrated and get this feeling that if they don't orgasm they are going to die...


I mean if a girl goes w/o an orgasm for let's say 3-4 months, is it normal, if she is sexually healthy, and not once she expriences an orgasm, that is what I can not understand. Because my girl did not date anyone for 6 months before me, and she said she never masturbated, and before that she was sexually active.

i think your girlfriend is probably telling the truth. masturbation is not for everybody. if she is reasonably young, she may not really know what to do. i had no idea what female masturbation was all about until i was about 18 or 19 years old and in a relationship. it was my boyfriend who filled in the blanks for me. i'd never even tried it before then or considered it. a lot of females masturbate. even the ones who aren't really horny all the time. some masturbate all the time, some a few times a week, a few times a month, some hardly ever do, while some never do it. i think masturbation is a good way to find out what you like, and how you like it done. it is also a good way to release sexual tension without going out and shagging someone for the heck of it. it is 100% safe and at least this way, you don't get hurt or regret anything afterwards.


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From comparing me and my bf's schedules... i figured out that guys need it WAY more often... girls do get to a point when they just GOTTA do it, but RARELY... generally... once in a few weeks is enough... some girls think it's gross or just wrong... oh well - i think they're missing out on some fun...


your gf probably didnt know how to do it properly... thats why she didnt enjoy it and stopped...


if she wants, there's lots of ways to do it, so she can try things out and see which one works for her..


otherwise, i wdn't be unhappy... i mean the less satisfied she is, the more she will be into it when she does it with u, right?


Just some thoughts =) ...

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I doubt she's lying.


I didn't start masturbating til I was 31. I'd tried it up until that point, a few times, but found it completely boring (about as much fun as watching paint dry). It wasn't until I bought a vibrator that I learned "otherwise." Though maybe I'm different? I hadn't had an orgasm til I was 31 either (just never knew I could, just assumed because I 'couldn't', that I was simply one of those women who couldn't, and I figured, "okay, whatever."


I grew up in a strict Catholic home, where sex really wasn't discussed (except the basic 'birds and bees' talk when I became a teenager), definitely not masturbation!


My sister (who's 30) doesn't masturbate either, gets nothing out of it. And when her and our friends (women our age) get together for a girl's night out, we've discussed this before...and a suprising # of them admit they don't either.....


I think you might just have a point there, with your theory about men and their sperm count (how they need to basically 'let off some steam' when the count gets too high).



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..regarding masturbation (this computer memorizes all the titles and I don't want my parents seeing the word masturbation coming up) and women, I think it is an excellent way of releiving tension and I do it several different ways depending on what I need.


1) I do it when I am horny and fantasize about an erotic encounter


2) Sometimes I just do it when I can't fall asleep at night because it relaxes me


3)I have even done it to relieve severe mentrual cramps


4) and belive it or not I did it once when I was on a long suburban bus ride and had to go to urinate so badly I thought my bladder would burst. Luckily I was sitting at the back of the bus with nobody around me. To relieve my bladder pain I seruptitiously began masturbating under my skirt with my coat on top so no one would notice. The orgasm actually helped me hold the unrine longer in my bladder until I was able to get off the bus! But that was an EXTREME situation

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I doubt she's lying. I didn't start masturbating til I was 31. I'd tried it up until that point, a few times, but found it completely boring (about as much fun as watching paint dry). It wasn't until I bought a vibrator that I learned "otherwise." Though maybe I'm different? I hadn't had an orgasm til I was 31 either (just never knew I could, just assumed because I 'couldn't', that I was simply one of those women who couldn't, and I figured, "okay, whatever." I grew up in a strict Catholic home, where sex really wasn't discussed (except the basic 'birds and bees' talk when I became a teenager), definitely not masturbation! My sister (who's 30) doesn't masturbate either, gets nothing out of it. And when her and our friends (women our age) get together for a girl's night out, we've discussed this before...and a suprising # of them admit they don't either..... I think you might just have a point there, with your theory about men and their sperm count (how they need to basically 'let off some steam' when the count gets too high). Laurynn
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Now that's an interesting name. What exactly does a fart face look like? Heck, I don't even know what farts look like. (does anyone?)


All you had to say was "m." Is that some secret fart code?



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But I was wandering, do girls get this way, meaning, do they get horny to the point where they get frustrated and get this feeling that if they don't orgasm they are going to die...


some girls certainly do, yes and it is normal for them. not all do though, but that is totally normal for them too.


(that would be interesting in a coroner's report: cause of death - sexual frustration a.k.a "blue balls") :)


I mean if a girl goes w/o an orgasm for let's say 3-4 months, is it normal, if she is sexually healthy, and not once she expriences an orgasm, that is what I can not understand.


that is totally normal. just because someone doesn't have an orgasm for months doesn't make them not normal. there is every chance she might get sexually frustrated but that feeling might pass quickly. for some people it lingers to the point they feel they have to release it NOW (or they might die) :)


think of it this way - if your girlfriend doesn't like to masturbate (which is totally normal), she won't relese any sexual tension she has, therefore she won't have an orgasm. even if she's not sexually frustrated, that is nothing to worry about. some people are only turned-on when they are with someone or in a relationship.


Because my girl did not date anyone for 6 months before me, and she said she never masturbated, and before that she was sexually active.


don't worry about that. honestly, that is NOTHING to worry about.


i think you will also find that men seem to have a very different sex drive to women. i know a few guys that have to masturbate every day (my male friends are very open-minded and have never hesitated to talk about it!). but on the other hand, not as many girls feel this way as guys do. sure, there are a women out there who masturbate every day, and that is perfectly healthy. and it is also perfectly healthy for a woman to go months without an orgasm or not to masturbate at all.


everyones sex drives are so, so different. and the simple fact is, not everyone likes to masturbate, but honestly - do not worry about it.


she sounds like a perfectly healthy and normal girl to me. as a matter of fact, i think she is.

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