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Can we get in trouble for groping a couple guys at school?

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My two girl friends sometimes do this but only on cute guys from our school and they're just flirting. I'm currently in my junior year of HS and this started as a dare I accepted.The first time I groped a guy (an acquaintance from my algebra class way back in my freshman yr) was last week. Then we did it to some other cute guy at during a pep rally.


It usually consist of either quickly grabbing their asses or squeezing it a bit (or the rib cage) and then either smiling, telling one if he can help us with our books or walking away and laughing a bit. From the looks, they don't mind and the one I groped seemed shy but still smiled.


However, I was wondering about this. Can we actually get in trouble for this? We don't really do it with bad intention. It's just a way of flirting with them. How do guys generally feel about getting groped by girls, esp if it's one that stays in fit and ok in looks?

Edited by JeanneD
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If they are offended or feel harassed, you could be arrested for sexual harassment.


What might seem light harmless fun and flirting to you could be misconstrued and taken the wrong way by another.


And - here's the clincher - *if* you actually get arrested, it could follow you the rest of your life as a registered sex offender.


Awfully silly way to flirt, actually...

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Yup, you sure can...and, sorry to say...you sure should.


It's sexual harassment, and - just like when guys grope girls - it doesn't matter one iota if you're 'just having fun', have no "bad intention", and/or are "just...flirting".



It's a goose/gander kind of thingy.

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And this thread goes to prove that a teen's brain is still in development and doesn't make the best decisions - EVER. :rolleyes:


Never put your hands on someone else - PERIOD.


Especially now a days. We live in a day/age where everyone gets offended and can/will sue you at a drop of a dime when in the past "pranks" were simply something that got laughed off.

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My two girl friends sometimes do this but only on cute guys from our school and they're just flirting. I'm currently in my junior year of HS and this started as a dare I accepted.The first time I groped a guy (an acquaintance from my algebra class way back in my freshman yr) was last week. Then we did it to some other cute guy at during a pep rally.


It usually consist of either quickly grabbing their asses or squeezing it a bit (or the rib cage) and then either smiling, telling one if he can help us with our books or walking away and laughing a bit. From the looks, they don't mind and the one I groped seemed shy but still smiled.


However, I was wondering about this. Can we actually get in trouble for this? We don't really do it with bad intention. It's just a way of flirting with them. How do guys generally feel about getting groped by girls, esp if it's one that stays in fit and ok in looks?



Ok JeanneD ... what are you like construction workers oogling and oggling guys? Have some class for goodness sakes. I have a son in HS ... a freshman...and if you think a nice looking good cool kid is going to think well of you for your behavior ... far be it from me to wake you up to the reality. Good luck to you. Who are your parents? Why is it you think this behavior is acceptable? If you do this on a dare...how about jumping off a 200 ft bridge? Does that sound like a good dare? If you want to ultimately wind up with the lowest element of a guy...just continue on with your lowlife antics. In answer to your question ... you can get into trouble for sexual harassment.

Edited by StBreton
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A guy may not take offense to the degree a female would, (some will though) but it's exactly the same, and if some strange chick grabbed my arse I'd certainly be offended.


Maybe not so much in high school where grabbing and groping is the height of sexuality, but on a serious note, yes. Don't put your hands on someone you aren't invited to do so.

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Groping as flirting is lazy and uncouth...don't be that girl! Yes, you can get into trouble as some guys won't want to be groped...same as some girls! In extreme instances, you could get a sex offender record. Some guys would press charges just because they are tired of the double standards.


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Thank you for the replies.

I guess I wasn't thinking too much because when it's a guy groping a girl, he's probably already fantasizing about sex and it's done in such a negative way. Then there is this other disadvantage, we can feel even threatened for our safety if some random guy did it at night. A guy on the other hand, can simply tell her not to touch him.


When I was doing the groping, I wasn't thinking of the guy in a sexual manner but more like joking around. But ok, I get the point. Hopefully none of those guys felt offended.

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Thank you for the replies.

I guess I wasn't thinking too much because when it's a guy groping a girl, he's probably already fantasizing about sex and it's done in such a negative way. Then there is this other disadvantage, we can feel even threatened for our safety if some random guy did it at night. A guy on the other hand, can simply tell her not to touch him.


When I was doing the groping, I wasn't thinking of the guy in a sexual manner but more like joking around. But ok, I get the point. Hopefully none of those guys felt offended.


So, in other words, you see these guys as toys to be played with?


This is probably worse.


You're doing the exact same thing, but you're presuming that a guy's intent is worse than yours. Ask any person who commits a misdeed, they always seem to think that their intent is "different" than the rest of the hooligans.


Please don't write yourself a free pass.

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Yeah, you don't want to do this. I agree with you that it doesn't have the threat of rape with it (so it's not exactly the same in that respect), but the guy may not want to be touched all the same. If you're a cute girl it's possible that some guys will be flattered, but it's also possible that they might be mad and make an issue of it and you could be in trouble.


It's important to respect others' body integrity!


From the way some guys talk though, they seem to think it would be great to be catcalled on the street and groped, so go figure. Don't do it anyway.

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From the way some guys talk though, they seem to think it would be great to be catcalled on the street and groped, so go figure. Don't do it anyway.


It's only fun for a very short while, then it just gets old. IME it feels a lot like being shouted at by hawkers but the item being promoted is a loud-mouth woman.

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