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I just wanted to ask you one question. You said you are going to put off sex until marriage. So from your posts, I concluded that the main reason is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. You said no contraception is 100% effective. But if you were having sex with your girl and then stopped, I really don't understand it. If she gets pregnant, she can always get an abortion I suppose, am I right?

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Would you actually want to kill a life form? A human being? And, the reason you did it was because you made a mistake?


I have two reasons why I'm not having sex: One, she could get pregnant, and two, I want to save it until marriage because I think it will be truly wonderful then. Just knowing that I stuck it out through the relationship without it is truly beneficial in the end.


Point is, I do not want to have to go through with an abortion. It just isn't cool.

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One comment:


I HATE it when men are willing to put women through abortion just so that they can have fun. do u realize chances are a woman will not be able to have kids, after an abortion?? and just generally, how can u risk that??


My opinion is - no sex until you can manage to deal with a child if i get pregnant...


There's enough other fun. after all, oral sex gives u all the fun, with almost no risk...


Just my opinion...



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